Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 317: This is not a person

Wang Mang, who flew out of the window, flicked his wings and soared into the sky.

The scarlet meridian on the streamlined black iron wings glowed with a faint red light, and the speed like a bird suddenly accelerated a bit.

Wang Mang, who was flying in the air, listened to Wang Hu reporting his position. It was a beautiful glider, facing Wang Mang's position on the ground, and flew away in an instant.

Wang Mang, who was gliding down quickly, saw Wang Hu on the roof of a school building and beckoned to him.

At exactly this time, I also found hundreds of ugly zombies dangling their bodies unconsciously not far away.

Wang Mang instantly condensed his breath, so as not to let the zombies on the ground notice.

The direction of the flight was also biased, and he landed on the open ground thousands of meters away from the group of zombies.

Wang Hu, who had seen Wang Mang a long time ago, was also hurriedly holding a snow knife, wearing a bone tiger armor with jingling bells, and trotting towards Wang Mang.

"Brother Mang, not long after I observed, I found at least three Tier 3 zombies, dozens of Tier 2 zombies, and hundreds of Tier 1 zombies!

And the ‘human’ that Tier 3 zombies stand to protect, I can’t perceive the aura, it feels very weak but very powerful, I can’t be sure of its strength,"

Wang Mang nodded when he heard the words. The zombie group in Shahe Town is not large.

But there was a strange energy. Isn't it strange that this huge town only has hundreds of zombies?

You must know that most people died in that sudden zombie outbreak. Except for some who were bitten and eaten, those infected would all become zombies.

Wang Mang said that it’s normal for the loss group in a town where at least tens of thousands of people lived in the civilized era to be in the thousands to the morning.

And in that group of corpses, the high-end combat power seems a bit strange, Tier 3 zombies, three? ! What a joke!

With hundreds of thousands and millions of corpses in big cities, it’s not surprising that three Tier 3 zombies were born.

There are three Tier 3 zombies in the corpse in your small town? This is not in line with common sense!

As Wang Mang thought, he walked with Wang Hu to the top of the teaching building where the corpse group was originally observed.

The top location of this building is very good, it is located at the junction of the two buildings.

Therefore, standing on the top of the building can see the corpse group, but the zombies in the low building can’t see their side.

The eyesight of Wang Mang's third-order ability is naturally excellent. Not far away from the balcony of a low building, Wang Mang is basking in the sun, and the comfortable "human" Wang Mang can see clearly.

He has short masculine hair, handsome appearance, strong figure, wearing a white short sleeve, black sports pants, bare feet leaning on the recliner,

With his eyes half-squinted, he obviously felt the sunbathing of the setting sun, which was extremely comfortable.

It was because of seeing clearly that Wang Mang felt a trace of shock!

The young man leaning on the recliner, according to Wang Mang’s preliminary judgment, is really a zombie.

Because I couldn’t perceive a little bit of aliveness in that person, it was the unique life characteristics of zombies, and the young man was somewhat similar.

For example, when the young man is basking in the sun, there is no ups and downs in his chest, obviously he is not breathing! This is also the most critical ‘evidence’ for Wang Mang to judge whether he is a human being.

Even those with supernatural powers must reach level 7 or higher to be able to perform internal breath. Except for zombies, no one can do this at this stage, and no one can do it.

"Ahu, your judgment is correct, this is indeed not a person, it is a zombie, and it is most likely the corpse king of this zombie group!

The only thing to be happy about is that the strength of this corpse king will not be too strong."

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