Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 318: Unicorn

Wang Mang's eyes sank slightly, and he patted the railing on the roof with both hands and made an accurate conclusion.

Wang Hu's face was worried, the setting sun was about to fall, and the sky was about to get dark. If this group of corpses were very powerful, it would be dangerous tonight!

"Brother Mang, it's getting dark, let's find a place to stay first," Wang Hu was a little worried. The night is always the most active time for monsters and zombies.

Wang Mang nodded, but his eyes were still tightly looking at the direction of the low building, not at the strange corpse king, but at the three Tier 3 zombies standing around him.

The dark blue skin, the thick knotted muscles, the hideous face, the most peculiar thing is the tiny single horn that emerges from the forehead.

It’s just the size of a green onion, but the colors of the unicorns on the foreheads of the three zombies are obviously different.

One is white, one is red, and the other is emerald green, with their eyes corresponding to each other,

There was a small pupil in the original white eyes, just the size of a mung bean, but the color was the same as that of a unicorn.

Wang Mang smiled slightly, this is too familiar.

Those high-ranking zombies encountered in the previous life are all like this,

Once, when I was in Tier 4, I encountered a corpse tide attacking the city. The leader was a Tier 6 corpse king. The single horn on his forehead was as dark as ink and was dozens of inches long.

"Ahu, let's go back. I have already found a place to stay. We will come back to this group of corpses for a while,"

Wang Mang turned around, the insect patterns were slightly bright, two second-order black three insects flew out suddenly, and eight insect limbs fixed Wang Hu's body.

Wang Mang also opened the black iron wings, flapped his wings, and flew up with Wang Hu violently, towards the parking place.

When she was about to land, Liu Ying also saw Wang Mang and Wang Hu flying over, opened the door of the car, held a book in her hand, stroked the tip of her hair, and got out of the car.

Some worried asked: "Husband, Ahu, what's the situation in the town?"

Wang Mang landed, removed the insect armor, smiled at Liu Ying and said:

"Xiaoying, don't worry, in general, this Shahe Town is not dangerous, but the group of corpses is more troublesome, and the king of corpses is very interesting!"

Wang Hu agreed a little, "Yes, sister-in-law, you didn't see it, the corpse king looks no different from ordinary people, but he is extremely comfortable in the sun among the zombies."

Liu Ying also felt a little weird when she heard the words, opened her mouth slightly, and asked curiously:

"Husband, Ahu, is it possible that this corpse king is a person, possessing the ability to control zombies?"

When Wang Mang heard Liu Ying say this, he was taken aback, and even shook his head.

"Impossible Xiaoying, there is no human aura in the Corpse King, and he hasn't breathed yet! Unless his strength has reached the seventh rank, this is possible,"

Listening to Wang Mang's explanation, Liu Ying understood in an instant, how long has it been since the end of the world? It’s impossible for a seventh-order supernatural person to think about it;

Wang Mang walked to Liu Ying's side, grabbed Liu Ying's slender waist, kissed Liu Ying's soft and smooth face, and said with a smile:

"Let's go, Xiaoying, we have found a place to stay, it is getting dark soon, hurry up,"

Liu Ying was kissed like a surprise by Wang Mang, but her face was a little blush, but she was not angry.

It was just that the snow-white slender hand poked Wang Mang's chest, and said sheepishly, "Husband, you are always not serious,"

"Hahaha! Ahu, drive, let's go faster, the sun is down,"

Wang Mang looked at the sun disappearing into the sky, took Liu Ying, and drove to the five-story building where Zhang Lan was.

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