Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 319: Liu Ying Yijian

After the sun went down, the sky soon dimmed,

The Land Rover that Wang Mang drove, which was comparable to a steel monster, also crushed all the obstacles on the road.

There was a piercing sound of a sudden brake, and two Land Rover cars stopped downstairs of the five-story building.

"Brother Mang, do you want to clean it up?" Wang Hu got out of the car and couldn't help frowning when he saw the stairs on the first floor full of tables, chairs and benches.

Wang Mang got out of the car, leaned on the car, lit a cigarette, looked at the clogged stairs, spit out the turbid smoke, and said:

"This is probably also a method used by those survivors to defend against monster attacks. It is also stupid. Even some stacked tables and chairs can block the zombies?"

Liu Ying got down from the passenger seat with a prose in her hand. A breeze blew by, and her silky black hair fluttered in the wind.

"Husband, leave it to me!" Liu Ying also smiled at Wang Mangjiao when she saw the stairs that were blocked by many tables and chairs.

After speaking, he handed out the book, his eyes sharpened suddenly, and the storage ring flashed slightly.

A red scale bow that was as red as blood and arched like scales, exuding sharp power, appeared in Liu Ying's hands.

The delicate quiver full of feather arrows on the back was slanted by Liu Ying.

With one hand drawn an iron arrow, the three-sided arrow leaned against the index finger ring holding the bow,

On the right hand, **** pinched the arrow feathers, and both hands slammed the bow!

Surprisingly, the round bow is like a full moon, and Liu Ying, who is standing with the bow, looks even more heroic and graceful.

"Ahu, it's up to your sister-in-law." Wang Mang watched Liu Ying preparing to attack, and waved his hand to stop Wang Hu who was about to clean up the clogged debris. He quietly looked at Liu Ying who was ready to go.

"Om!" A burst of tail feathers tearing the air suddenly sounded, and the three-sided arrow on the ring was wrapped in a layer of fine wind blades condensed by Liu Ying.

The hair-thin wind blades are now condensed together to make a buzzing sound of high-frequency vibration,

With the shot of the iron arrow, the wind blade on the arrow pierced through the air like a knife, increasing the speed of an ordinary iron arrow by at least several times.

Like a meteor, like a cannonball, the sharp iron arrow flew to the top of the stairs where the debris was piled up in the blink of an eye.

With a "bang", the tables and chairs that were directly hit were instantly crushed into **** and turned into wood powder, causing a turbid wave of air.

The surrounding wall handrails were all affected by a strong impact. The steel-reinforced staircase was bent and deformed by the impact, and several sections were missing.

The wall next to the stairs reveals brown concrete and rusty steel bars.

"Xiaoying, okay!" Wang Mang smiled at the power of the feather arrows sent by Liu Ying, and he couldn't help applauding.

Xiaoying's strength is getting stronger and stronger. Although she has not been promoted, her use and understanding of abilities are very outstanding.

Liu Ying saw the power of Tiejian and saw Wang Mang applauding, her cheeks were slightly red, and she smiled embarrassedly.

"Husband, did I just make a fuss," I just wanted to try the red scale bow I haven't used for a long time, but I didn't expect to make such a big movement.

Wang Mang hugged Liu Ying's exquisite body, pointed to the still shining sunset glow on the horizon, and said with a smile:

"It's okay, Xiaoying, the sky hasn't completely darkened yet. At this time, the zombies and monsters are not too active. This kind of movement can't be attracted,"

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