Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 320: The story of the goat

"Sister-in-law, Brother Mang, look, someone!"

Wang Hu pointed to the window sill of a certain room on the third floor. Several dirty, green-eyed ‘beggars’ were staring at his group.

Wang Mang looked at it, waved his hand indifferently, and said, "Don't worry about them, let's go upstairs quickly and have dinner later."

Both Wang Hu and Liu Ying nodded in agreement.

After running around for a whole afternoon, I was indeed a little hungry, saying that the three of them locked the car door and stepped on the stairs that were hit by a big hole with an iron arrow.

Walking straight to the fourth floor, on both sides of the stairs, a few people of all ages in ragged clothes were sitting awkwardly among a bunch of bonfires.

Salivating staring at the black roasted, fat mouse on the campfire,

Wang Mang just looked at a group of homeless people stinking all over, and couldn't help but shook his head.

At the beginning, I saw a few skinny, skinny, numb-eyed ‘beggars, they are slightly worse than them.

At least they still have the desire to survive, and the group of people are ready to wait for death.

Wang Hu looked at the weak and dying old people sitting around the campfire.

Even though he grew up as an orphan with no relatives and no reason, he still couldn't help but sighed faintly.

These people reminded him of the dean of the orphanage he had passed away. It is said that the dean of the kind-eyed purpose, except for Brother Mang, is the closest to him.

"Let's go, sentient beings are hard to come by. Can you save them for a while, can you save them for the rest of your life?"

Wang Mang looked at Liu Ying with an unbearable face, and seemed to have the idea of ​​giving food, and quickly spoke to stop him.

Liu Ying nodded in understanding, suppressed the sympathy and tears in her eyes, turned and walked up the stairs.

Naturally, Wang Mang and Wang Hu turned and left very sensibly, and did not step up the stairs unbearably.

These people are pitiful and pitiful, but self-preservation in the last days is a kind of happiness. As for saving some irrelevant strangers, they are not noble to that point.

"Husband, why don't these people go out looking for food? Even though there are corpses in the town, it is not very dangerous to go out during the day."

After Liu Ying walked for a while, her emotions eased, and she quickly thought of the key to the problem.

Wang Mang patted Liu Ying's back comfortingly, and explained: "Xiaoying, have you heard a story?"

Wang Mang's eyes were a little deep, he looked at the curious Liu Ying and Wang Hu, also smiled, and said:

"Once there was a herd of goats on the top of an isolated mountain. They never left the top of the mountain with lush pasture.

Until one day, the pasture was eaten less and less, but the pasture that had been eaten before never grew.

The goats panicked, and the fear of hunger and lack of food forced them to find a way to leave the top of the mountain.

But that mountain is isolated. If you want to leave, you can only jump over the bottomless cliff. On the other side of the cliff, there are more fertile and lush green pastures.

So there were some of the bravest and strongest goats in the flock. They jumped over the cliff at the risk of death, but were swallowed by the colorful tiger on the other side of the cliff.

The flock was scared and continued to eat the few pastures, but the pastures became less and less, and there were more than a dozen courageous sheep preparing to cross the cliff and enjoy the luxuriant pastures on the opposite bank.

But some did not cross the cliff, some were eaten by beasts, the remaining flock of sheep became more timid,

Even if the pasture was eaten up, I was afraid of the cliffs and the beasts. The sheep died hungry, but no sheep wanted to leave again, because the brave sheep in the flock... all died. ! "

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