Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 321: Husband, don't you explain?

Wang Mang’s story is very simple, Wang Hu and Liu Ying naturally understood it immediately.

The brave people are all dead, and the rest are people who are afraid to die and dare not take the slightest risk, but who will give them food?

They can only starve lonely, that is, one day suddenly showed the courage to go out, but their weak body made them powerless, because it was too late...

"Brother Mang, when you said that, I suddenly remembered," Wang Hu frowned, lowered his head slightly, and seemed to be thinking about something.

Looking at Wang Hu's thoughtful appearance, Wang Mang nodded with satisfaction in his heart. Ahu obviously touched the story he was telling him deeply.

"Ahu, what do you think of, say it boldly!" Seeing Wang Hu's hesitant and coy face, Wang Mang smiled and waved his hand to let him speak his mind.

Seeing that Brother Mang encouraged himself so, Wang Hu grinned and said in a naive way:

"Brother Mang, when you talk about goats, I remember!

I bought half a roasted whole lamb in Longshi and it was eaten. The meat is crispy and tender. The boss also gave me a small pot of meat sauce.

Brother Mang, don’t you know, tut...that good slice of lamb with some balsamic vinegar and meat sauce, tut...that taste,"

As Wang Hu was talking, he was still intoxicated and swallowed uncontrollably.

The originally gratifying smile on Wang Mang's face froze for an instant. Seeing Wang Mang's stiff smile on the side, Liu Ying couldn't help but laugh aloud.

The body was trembling with laughter, and two tears came out from the corner of his eyes.

Leaning on Wang Mang's shoulder, he panted and said, "Ahu...haha...you make sense!"

Wang Mang’s mood at this time was like a man who was about to become a father. He saw that the child delivered by the delivery looked exactly like the old Wang next door.

It feels like...I can’t tell it in words,

Wang Mang sighed helplessly, patted Wang Hu's shoulder vigorously and said, "Ahu, you...Forget it, roast the whole lamb will leave me the leg later."

After speaking, he turned and walked up the stairs, that figure was a little lonely, helpless...

Liu Ying patted Wang Hu's arm and said, "Ahu, let's go, hurry upstairs, take out your roasted whole lamb, let’s eat lamb tonight,"

After speaking, walked two steps quickly, and walked with Wang Mang arm in arm with a smile, but Wang Hu, who was a little embarrassed, smiled and touched his head, and followed.

The three quickly walked up to the fourth floor. Zhang Lan, who had a mature appearance and body, had already replaced the dirty clothes on her body.

Instead, she put on a pair of skinny jeans that highlighted the curve of the straight legs, and a snow-white coat on her upper body.

Even the original stains on the face have been cleaned up, showing a superb appearance of exquisite elegance, showing that the whole person is mature and charming, dignified and coquettish.

Wang Mang was also taken aback when he saw Zhang Lan’s charming dress. Zhang Lan, who originally didn’t look amazing, turned out to be a pretty mature woman with a little dressing up.

"Zhang Lan, what are you?"

"My lord, it's great that you're okay," Zhang Lan looked at Wang Mang's familiar appearance, tears couldn't help streaming out, and she sobbed in a low voice.

She was scared just now, if the adult does not come back after flying away, then she will return to the hungry state again.

Liu Ying, who was holding Wang Mang's left hand, suddenly looked at Wang Mang with a horizontal eyebrow, her eyes as pure as autumn water staring straight at Wang Mang's eyes.

He said: "Husband, don't you explain,"

Liu Ying's slender fingers have been quietly placed between Wang Mang's ribs. If one of the answers is dissatisfied, then... Humph!

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