Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 327: Hua Feibai

Hua Feibai laughed twice, not caring about Wang Mang's threat.

No matter how strong a third-order supernatural person is, he can still beat himself, a low-rank fourth-order, two-skilled character! ?

"Give you a meeting gift, let you see the gap between us!"

Hua Feibai looked at Wang Mang, who was already less than ten meters away from him, with a slight smile.

The **** of the left hand were brought together, and in an instant, a series of complicated runes appeared on the skin of that finger.

"Poison: Fangs are like arrows!"

Hua Feibai made a gun with two fingers, pointing his nails at Wang Mang.

With a strange command, the runes on those **** shine like stars,

A stream of strange energy was urged to the fingertips, and suddenly a small black arrow that was sticky like venom flew away at Wang Mang!

"I said you deserve to die, you must die!"

Wang Mang looked at the poisonous arrows that were flying, without any fear in his eyes, his legs were violently hard, his hands were dragging the Kuang Lei Knife.

Wang Mang, covered in black worm armor, was like a rushing train, galloping violently in the direction of Hua Feibai!

"Ding! Ding! Ding!" Three sharp, crisp sounds,

A poisonous arrow came directly. Wang Mang took the knife with his hand and blocked the situation. The dirty poisonous arrow fell on the ground.

"Kuang Lei First Style: Ben Lei!"

Wang Mang roared, his running speed was also a little faster.

Facing an enemy no more than three to five meters apart, Wang Mang's Kuang Lei Knife burst into a burst of dazzling lightning, and the sharp and unmatched blades faintly flowed with plasma.

Like a tiger running, like a thunder, Wang Mang, who made a move in an instant, slashed down with the Kuang Lei Knife, and he had an unstoppable momentum!

Facing this sudden attack, Hua Feibai was also a little flustered, but soon calmed down.

Seeing that there is a knife like thunder in the sky, you have to avoid its sharp edge anyway, this move is invincible!

Hua Feibai took advantage of this short moment, and his body reacted, deviating a little back.

Holding the steel whip tightly with both hands, gritted his teeth, intent on carrying the weapon to carry Wang Mang's move!

"Zheng~~~" A sound wave that pierced the eardrums resounded through the entire building with the violent collision of the two weapons.

Wang Mang’s tense arms trembled slightly, apparently from the tremor after the collision.

Looking at Hua Feibai again, it was even more unbearable. The originally slender and flowing hair became a little scorched with the sputtering lightning damage, exuding a faint stench.

The poisoned steel whip, which is more than one meter long, is even closer to breaking, and it is covered with spider-web-like fine cracks.

Looking at his hands again, the palms are **** and fleshy, and even his forearms are slightly deformed.

"Okay! I really underestimated you!"

Hua Feibai sneered and spit out a mouthful of **** sputum.

"Insect armor covering!" With a roar, the insect pattern on Hua Feibai's palm is a sudden appearance of special insects that look like thorns, like running water, covering the whole body in a short time.

"Boy, I'll show you what the gap is today!" Hua Feibai threw the steel whip in his hand, folded his hands together, calling out complicated and bright inscriptions.

Suddenly, Hua Fei's body covered with thorns and spines violently moved, making a fist with his five fingers, and hitting Wang Mang's chest and abdomen with a punch, like a dragon going out to sea, and a tiger coming down the mountain!

Wang Mang's hands were still trembling, but in the face of the sudden attack, he also roared and slashed with his fist!

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