Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 328: On the fierce battle

"Zheng~~~!" There was another creak of steel that almost pierced the eardrum! Hua Feibai slammed a straight fist like a dragon on the blade that Wang Mang slashed towards.

The extremely hot plasma on the faint blue blade was scattered by the shocking collision,

The snow-white walls in the corridor were directly corroded into pits as large as basketballs. Even the solid reinforced concrete inside the walls dripped down the walls to the ground like mud.

"Bang!" Hua Feibai shook his undamaged fist, and slammed it on the face of Kuang Lei Dao with another violent blow.

Wang Mang's hands trembled fiercely at this time, the Kuang Lei Knife in his hand was also shot out by this fist force, and it flew to the ground.

Wang Mang didn't care about attacking any more at this time. He could only take two steps back, retreating to a safer distance, and panting slightly.

Looking at Hua Feibai, who was covered in armor and thorns, his eyes were a little solemn, this person was too strong!

The power contained in it has reached at least dozens of tons, and his physical fitness is obviously at a disadvantage compared to him!

And what is that weird technique, the complicated rune on the fist! ?

Hua Feibai looked at Wang Mang who was gasping, with a sneer smile on his face:

"What am I talking about?! Boy, don't be ignorant, and kill your neck obediently, it can also reduce some pain,"

Faced with his sarcasm, Wang Mang was not angry. He just asked inexplicably:

"You are stronger than me, I admit, but what makes me a little puzzled is that your strength is only a low-level Tier 4, why is it unreasonable to be strong?

Besides, what are your weird runes and weird spells? "

"Hahaha! Boy, you are so stupid, do I need to tell you what I have? And a dead person doesn't need to know so much!"

Hua Feibai laughed comfortably when he saw Wang Mang admitting he was inferior.

However, when faced with the questions Wang Mang asked, he was not interested in answering, and there was no benefit in exposing the power he possessed!

Wang Mang sneered, "Okay! Don't tell me, it seems I can only find the answer in your relics!"

"You're not ashamed! Humph!" Hua Feibai looked at Wang Mang and wanted to continue resisting. He just snorted coldly. The runes of his fists, which were originally somewhat dim, reappeared with bright light.

Hua Feibai looked at Wang Mang who was not far from him, and he roared, his body soft and boneless, and he made a strange and deformed movement, his arms were like snakes!

"Beast Art: Dragon Snake Pounce!"

The complicated runes suddenly lit up, and Hua Fei's white hands were hooked with five fingers, like that cold and poisonous snake ready to bite!

Suddenly, Hua Fei's body moved violently, and his legs exerted force. With a strong inertia, he slammed a few steps on the wall and rushed to Wang Mang like lightning.

The hook-shaped fingers were facing Wang Mang's throat, and it seemed that Hua Feibai wanted to defeat the enemy with one blow!

"Om!" With the familiar sound of flapping wings, groups of fiery red and hideous-looking locusts sprang out of the insect pattern.

No order, no instructions, the blazing locusts that flew out launched their fatal attacks against the rushing Hua Feibai!

"Flap! Pop! Pop!"

With a distance of just a few meters, Hua Feibai’s reaction is still agile, and he can’t get rid of the direct impulse in an instant.

In the face of the blazing fire locusts, they could only kill a few of them. The remaining thousands of fire locusts were like rushing river water, each hitting Hua Feibai’s body.

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