Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 329: In fierce battle

"Bastard!" Hua Feibai's blood-red eyes hidden in the insect armor almost burst into flames!

In just a few seconds, a flaming red worm like that of Shangbai crashed and died on his body.

Hua Feibai made another powerful straight punch, and it collapsed to death the dozen or so fire locusts that had struck! But this is only a drop in the price, there are thousands of this kind of bugs!

The scorching flame and the inextinguishable fuel have become more and more violent with the efforts of the blazing locusts!

On both sides of Hua Fei Bai's belly and back, a large area of ​​crimson flame vacated, and it seemed to burn everything!

"Bastard! You **** it!" Hua Feibai looked at the melting insect armor that was gradually burning on his chest, his eyes cracking and his eyes bursting.

He admitted that the first confrontation just now made himself look down upon this person who is also a bug master!

Mushishi! Mushishi! That is the master of insect control! The most powerful is supposed to be the abilities of various bugs!

Wang Mang faced Hua Feibai, who had almost become a fire man, with a faint smile on his face: "Heh! Wasn't it crazy just now? Come hit me!"

"You... Damn! Poison: A hundred poisonous explosion!"

Hua Feibai, who kept punching and killing the blazing locusts, heard Wang Mang’s ridicule, and the anger in his heart couldn’t be contained.

Gritting his teeth, carrying the attack of the fire locust swarms, rushed to Wang Mang in two steps.

The palms were slightly opened, and a group of pitch-black sticky spheres shivered violently, seeming to have a tendency to burst!

Wang Mang's pupils shrank slightly, his thoughts moved, and he moved back dexterously, avoiding Hua Feibai's swift blow.

"Bang!" The poison ball burst, and the stench of venom splashed slightly on Wang Mang's avoiding body.

"Pooh~~~呲~~呲" sharp sound like grinding teeth, extremely corrosive venom fell on Wang Mang’s insect armor,

A few small holes were corroded, and the skin under the armor also had some burning tingling,

Wang Mang looked at the wound that was not serious, and looked at Hua Feibai, who was resisting the fire locust attack, with a cold eye. The ring on his finger lit up slightly.

Youlan, the generous Thunder Knife appeared in Wang Mang's hands again, the Kuang Thunder Knife Spirit had already recognized the Lord, and he could instantly return to his storage space no matter where he was.

Wang Mang dragged the knife down, took a step forward, and faced Hua Feibai with a simple and extremely simple cross-cut, which was the first type of the Thunder Knife Art: Kuang Lei!

As the saying goes, the epee has no edge, and the skill is not working. This second use of this lightning sword art, Wang Mang is confident that Hua Feibai can be severely injured!

"Om!" The sharp and incomparable blade tore the air,

Hua Feibai, who was constantly killing the Explosive Locust, gritted his teeth when he saw Wang Mang's sudden blow. Only the endless hatred for Wang Mang remained in his heart.

The timing of this knife was so good that I couldn't resist it with all my strength!

"Crack~Wow!" After a sour sound of cutting, it was the sweet sound of cutting flesh and blood!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I am so angry," Hua Fei, who was burnt with the insect armor close to nothing, turned red, his exposed eyes.

Regardless of the scalds and burns on his body, he threw his fist at Wang Mang and left.

He has only one idea at this time, which is to kill the **** in front of him!

Facing his attack, Wang Mang had no idea of ​​avoiding him, but with a sarcasm smile on the corner of his mouth, he raised his left hand and pointed at his back.

Before Hua Feibai looked back, "Hey~~" the sound of arrows piercing the air!

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