Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 332: Vigil,

Both Wang Hu and Liu Ying closed their eyes and felt for a while, and found that although there is a connection between the two, their core strengths are indeed separated!

After the two discovered this situation, they were also slightly surprised. What does this mean!

In the past, bloodmarks were not used much, and I didn't pay attention to it carefully, but now I discovered that this bloodmark is not a power of this world!

"Xiaoying, Ahu, you guys should have thought of something too. In the future, let's improve it more."

Wang Mang's eyes were a little deep, and he sighed quietly.

"Stop talking, Ahu, is your wound still in serious trouble? Go back and rest soon."

Wang Hu moved the left hand that was originally fractured and found that there was a slight tingling sensation only when he moved.

But bones and flesh have begun to heal extremely quickly under the action of the essence of life.

"Well, Brother Mang, I have a rest for the night from this little injury, so it doesn't matter. We have to go to see the corpse group tomorrow morning."

Wang Hu stood up and looked at the place where the corpses gathered outside the window, with a strong sense of curiosity in his eyes.

How could the corpse king look like a human being? It's incredible!

Wang Mang nodded in agreement, "Tomorrow morning, Xiaoying, Ahu, let's move together, the special thing about the corpse king is definitely not small, maybe there is a strange treasure,"

Wang Hu yawned and went back to the house with a look of sleepiness. In the middle of the night when he was on duty, he had just walked on the line of life and death, and his energy was a little too exhausted.

After Wang Hu left, Wang Mang also took off his sweat-soaked bath towel and put on a clean pajamas.

When fighting Hua Feibai just now, he and he were both insect masters, and both had the technique of covering armor with spirit insects. It was not easy to fight.

The sweat on this bath towel can squeeze out a lot of sweat with both hands.

"Husband, you can rest early, and let me watch the night in the middle of the night,"

Liu Ying looked at Wang Mang’s exhausted body after the battle, her bright eyes like autumn water felt distressed.

Wang Mang smiled and touched the top of Liu Ying's head, and said, "Xiaoying, it's okay, you go to bed early, I'm not too tired,"

Seeing Wang Mang’s resolute tone, Liu Ying took out a bag of tea leaves from the storage space, boiled some boiling water, boiled a pot of green tea and poured it into a thermos.

He took out a few snacks he made before and saved Wang Mang to eat when he was hungry at night.

After doing this, I lay a little tired on the bed. As soon as my head touched the pillow, I made a slight breathing sound, obviously I was asleep.

Looking at Liu Ying's rapid fall asleep, Wang Mang smiled at the corner of his mouth, very understanding.

Xiaoying’s crucial blow is impeccable in terms of timing, power, and speed.

It can be said that without Liu Ying's sneak attack, Hua Feibai would never lose his resistance so easily!

Wang Mang gently tucked the quilt of Liu Ying who was asleep, and covered it tightly.

Then he left the house lightly, closed the door, and went to the corridor. Looking at the bright moon outside the window, he felt a little sentimental.

He smiled and shook his head and said, "I guess no one is thinking about watching the moon anymore."

While Wang Mang was enjoying the beautiful scenery outside the window, footsteps came from the corridor. Wang Mang heard the sound, and when he looked back, it was that Zhang Lan.

At this time, Zhang Lan's long, shiny black hair was slightly moist, with a few drops of water shining.

Wearing only a snow-white long bathrobe, under the shining of the moonlight, outlines the plump and **** charming curves.

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