Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 333: Conditions of survival

Zhang Lan saw Wang Mang turning around and looking at herself, walking towards Wang Mang with a shy and tangled face.

Between that step, a pair of straight and white thighs appeared and disappeared, making the atmosphere in this corridor look a bit depressed.

"It's Zhang Lan, what's the matter?" Wang Mang smiled and asked when he saw Zhang Lan coming.

"That...that..... Brother Mang, I want to give myself to you!"

Zhang Lan didn’t know where the courage came from. She lowered her head shyly, but suddenly raised her head, looking straight at Wang Mang’s dark eyes, filled with undisguised love.

Wang Mang swallowed, looking at Zhang Lan’s bright, loving eyes and beautiful and delicate face, he couldn’t help swallowing.

"Zhang Lan, I just saved you just casually, you don't need to repay me in this way,"

Wang Mang shook his head and threw out the unhealthy thoughts in his mind.

Xiaoying is still sleeping in the house. Now if she is only in the corridor separated by a wall, what happens to other women, how can this be justified?

Seeing that Wang Mang said this, Zhang Lan also knew that he had refused decisively. A trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes, but it seemed that he had made a certain determination.

Gently untie the belt of the bathrobe, and the loose bathrobe will slide directly to your feet.

Zhang Lan didn't wait for Wang Mang's reaction, and got into Wang Mang's arms, tightly hugged Wang Mang's waist, and leaned his head on Wang Mang's chest and said:

"Brother Mang, please, I want to live!" After saying that, he cried silently, and his body trembled slightly.

Upon hearing this, Wang Mang patted her smooth back, but closed his eyes, not looking at her plump ketone body, but he had some understanding of her thoughts in his heart.

Xu is that she has just seen her fighting with Hua Feibai’s supernatural powers, and only then did she understand the terrible power and the weakness of ordinary people.

She wants to use her most precious thing in exchange for the right to survive!

"Zhang Lan, I give you a chance to live, but there is one condition, do you agree?"

Zhang Lan stopped crying when he heard Wang Mang saying this, but still choked with tears, "Brother Mang, you said, if I can do it, it must be done."

"You put on your bathrobe first, don't catch the cold,"

"En" Zhang Lan picked up the bathrobe on the ground with a little embarrassment, put it on again, fastened the belt, and prepared to listen to Wang Mang's words.

Wang Mang took a cigarette out of his pocket, lightened it slowly, took a deep breath, and said, "Zhang Lan, trade your loyalty and freedom for the right to live, are you willing!"

Zhang Lan frowned, a little puzzled, how to deal with loyalty and freedom?

"Brother Mang, if I can, I am willing. I want to live too much. I want to live like a person, not like a mouse waiting to die."

Zhang Lan made a serious decision in her heart, but still gave an answer.

Wang Mang smiled and spit out a mouthful of turbid smoke, the insect pattern flashed, and a gray-black peristaltic pill appeared in his palm.

"Have you seen this? If you eat it, I will give you the right to survive!"

Zhang Lan took a close look at the small pill under the bright moonlight, and suddenly discovered that the'pill' turned out to be a curled up bug!

My eyes opened wide in fright, and the thoughts in my heart were also loosened a bit.

"Brother Mang, do I have to eat this!" Zhang Lan's tone was pleading. If he could, he really didn't want to eat a bug.

Wang Mang smiled and waved his hand, and said, "Of course not. It's up to you to eat or not. You have the right to survive. After eating this, your life will be under my control!"

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