Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 336: Ready to advance

"Husband, you don't need to call me like that at this time. When I want you to call me like that...you call me like that again,"

After that, Liu Ying’s pretty and handsome face was already flushed, and she trot out of the room and went to the kitchen in the corridor to prepare breakfast.

At this time, Wang Mang looked at Liu Ying's back when he trot away, and he also showed a slight smile. This is Xiaoying, a lovely girl.

At 7 o'clock in the morning, Wang Mang, who put down his chopsticks on a kitchen table, took a sip of the water in the cup and wiped his mouth.

Looking at Liu Ying and Wang Hu sitting at the table, Zhang Lan said:

"Xiaoying, Ahu, Zhang Lan, let's go to the area where the zombies are active in a while.

See if you can kill a few zombies without disturbing the corpse group, Xiaoying, Ahu, it’s time for you to advance."

Liu Ying picked up a cut berry from the fruit plate, put it in her mouth and chewed twice. Hearing what Wang Mang said, she nodded in agreement.

Wang Hu even put down the fleshy bones in his hands and said directly:

"Brother Mang, I am a Tier 2 Intermediate. I am sure that my strength will reach the peak of Tier 2 this time. Is my sister-in-law planning to be promoted to Tier 3 this time?"

Liu Ying shook her head and said, "Ahu, I also intend to rise to the second-order peak this time. After all, it is too difficult to cross the third-order."

Wang Mang nodded, frowned and thought, tapping his fingers on the table regularly, and after a few moments, he said:

"Ahu, Xiaoying, you actually have the possibility of crossing the third tier now, but the danger is too great. It is better to accumulate more energy for a period of time and become familiar with the control abilities."

"And I plan to cross the third-level intermediate this time!"

The two were not surprised at Wang Mang’s request for promotion. After all, Brother Mang had even killed the fifth-order king beast, and now he was promoted to the third-tier intermediate, but it was a bit late.

Wang Mang glanced at him and looked at Zhang Lan who was eating breakfast embarrassingly. He smiled and said to her: "Zhang Lan, if all goes well, you will be able to become a supernatural person today!"

Zhang Lan's face showed undisguised joy, and excitedly said with a trembling voice: "Too...good!...Brother Mang, this is really great!"

And Liu Ying and Wang Hu on the side had some doubts in their eyes.

Liu Ying glared at Wang Mang silently. Wang Mang waved his hand quickly, spread his hand innocently, and said:

"Xiaoying, don't get me wrong, Zhang Lan used her freedom of life in exchange for her desire to survive, that is, joining the insect group."

When the two of them heard this, they were all surprised.

One of the most rigid requirements for joining the insect group is to swallow parasitic leeches.

This is no exception. No wonder Brother Mang said that his desire to survive is in exchange for the freedom of life.

"Okay, let's not say much, Xiaoying, Ahu, you go to pack up, prepare your weapons and equipment, Zhang Lan, you will stand on the top of the building and watch it later, it can be regarded as an eye-opener for you,"

Wang Mang stood up from the dining table, Liu Ying, Wang Hu, and Zhang Lan also had serious expressions and nodded seriously.

The four of them just cleaned up a bit, and then they went down the five-story building and walked towards the good observation point—the top of the school’s teaching building.

When the four people walked to the top of the building, before directly observing, the roar of the zombies in their ears roared one after another.

But it was not the roar of meeting the enemy, but the long hiss full of ritual sense,

"Brother Mang, this...what is going on...!?" Wang Hu, who was the first to observe the zombie gathering place, let out a dazed exclamation, his face full of disbelief!

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