Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 337: Changes in the corpse group

Wang Mang was also a little bit puzzled when he saw Wang Hu's dumbfounded look.

Following the direction of his fingers, he took two steps forward, and suddenly, there was a slight shock in his eyes: "This...this... is actually true?"

Zhang Lan and Liu Ying on the side were a little curious when they saw Wang Mang and Wang Hu.

After seeing the weird scene among the corpses, their eyes widened and their faces were a little weird.

I saw on the top of a low-rise building occupied by many zombies, a maternal-like female zombie screamed from time to time.

With her roar, those white eyes suddenly widened a bit, looking a little scary.

Regardless of whether they were Tier 1 ordinary zombies or Tier 3 zombies with a single horn on their foreheads, they all gathered around the maternal zombies at this time, each of them raised their hairs with ritualistic long hiss.

Wang Mang dignifiedly knocked on the handrail on the roof of the building, took out a cigarette, took a deep breath and slowly said: "It has only been three months, have the zombies changed so much? Can they all give birth to life? "

It’s no wonder that the four were so surprised. It’s really terrifying that zombies can give birth to new lives just like humans.

This means that the group of zombies will continue to thrive in the future! An endless stream!

A new change appeared on the low building where the zombies gathered.

The mother zombies who kept roaring in pain, with a scream of pain,

A little zombie with the size of a dog and covered in black and cyan skin was born, and let out a tender cry.

The corpse king, who was indistinguishable from normal people, was full of joy, and carefully cut the umbilical cord.

Holding a clean towel to wipe the stains on the little zombie’s body, he hugged it in his arms,

With the birth of this little zombie, many of the zombies gathered around are all flaring their teeth and claws and screaming fiercely toward the sky that they want to shake the sky.

Wang Mang finished his last cigarette, threw the cigarette **** on the ground, exhaled the turbid smoke, and said solemnly in his eyes:

"If we want to kill all these zombies, then the little zombie that was just born, will you do it!?"

Zhang Lan shook his head in fear, while Liu Ying hesitated, and then nodded unbearably.

And Wang Hu said with tyranny and killing intent in his eyes: "Brother Mang, is this zombie still about age? Damn it must die!" In his eyes, there is only race, no age.

With deep thought in Wang Mang's eyes, he sighed quietly and said:

"Ahu, you’re right. Natural selection is the competition of things, the survival of the fittest, and the **** must die.

But what I am most concerned about is not this, but now that the corpse group has the ability to multiply, after this, batches of zombies will grow up, it is difficult to completely exterminate them! "

Wang Mang looked at the low upstairs, the group of crazy zombies, and shook his head.

In the past six years, on the one hand, human beings were still in a weak position in their attacks on zombies. Are you kidding me?

"Ahu, Xiaoying, it's time for us to act, we must advance today!"

Wang Mang’s insect pattern flashed, and the black three insects flew out suddenly, turning into a beetle covering Wang Mang’s whole body.

Liu Ying and Wang Hu recovered from thinking about the corpse group, holding the weapon in their hands, and preparing for the upcoming battle!

"Zhang Lan, stay here, don't walk around, Xiaoying, Ahu, let's go!" Wang Mang held a blue broad knife as wide as the door in one hand, and pointed the blade at the low building where the zombies gathered.

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