Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 341: I want to be a man

"Big brother, I actually want to be a person, if I can, who wants to be a zombie?

But my strength is too low, even if I go to those big gathering places, I am afraid that my life will be in danger. Those with supernatural powers can see my identity at a glance." After speaking, he also glanced at Wang Mang.

Wang Mang noticed the look in his eyes and spit out a mouthful of turbid smoke and shook it, saying:

"No, I just happened to see you staying in a pile of zombies, so I could make careful observations and doubt about human identity, otherwise, who would be boring to doubt a person's racial identity,"

"Besides, the difference between you and those ordinary zombies is too great. If it weren't for me to find that you have no vital signs, I would not be so sure of your identity as the king of corpses,"

Wang Mang threw the cigarette **** in his hand to the ground, glanced at Qian Xiaobai, who was smoking, with a smile on the corner of his mouth and said:

"Actually, if you want to conceal your zombie identity, I can do it for you. Although it is more troublesome, it is very effective!"

"Big Brother...really!?"

Qian Xiaobai threw away the cigarette in his hand and raised his head excitedly to look at Wang Mang.

Wang Mang smiled and nodded and said:

"This kind of trivial matter, I don't have the need to lie to you. If ordinary zombies are promoted to Tier 6, they will have wisdom.

At the same time, you can control your breath and heartbeat, and you can even change your appearance and figure into a human appearance! "

"As for you, you are more talented, and you can reach that point with some small means!" Wang Mang rubbed his chin, looked at Qian Xiaobai beside him and thought for a while.

"Then brother, what do you require, I will definitely agree to it!" Qian Xiaobai's face was full of excitement. It would be such a blessing to be able to integrate into human life.

"Be loyal to me, how about?" Wang Mang stood up from the recliner, carrying the violent thunder knife weighing more than a thousand pounds in his hand, his face full of seriousness.

"This...I promise you!" Qian Xiaobai looked at Wang Mang with some hesitation in his eyes, but soon he had a decision in his heart, and his eyes were full of determination!

"Okay! Eat this!"

Wang Mang looked at Qian Xiaobai who had made up his mind. The insect pattern flashed, and a silver-white pill appeared in his open palm. He smiled and said, "Eat this, even if you are loyal!"

Qian Xiaobai stood up from the low stool, looked at the crystal clear silver-white pill in Wang Mang's palm, frowned and asked, "What is this?"

"A thing that prevents you from betraying me, of course I will not send you to do something to send you to death. If possible, I want you to be the king of the zombie clan!"

Wang Mang squinted his eyes. If there is a corpse king who listens to him, then many things can be done! The development of the insect group is definitely a big improvement!

"Okay, I eat, but you have to keep your promise so that I can integrate into human life!"

Qian Xiaobai stretched out his hand to take the pill, opened his mouth, and swallowed it with his head up. He only felt a mouthful. The pill was like a soft candy, sweet and melted in his mouth.

"There seems to be something more in my body and mind?!"

Qian Xiaobai frowned and shook his head. He clearly felt that the pill he had just eaten quickly turned into a stream of tiny things and rushed all over his body.

My body is a little numb, and my head is even more uncomfortable like hypoxia.

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