Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 342: Acceptance and allegiance

"Well, the pill I just gave you can control your life, death and actions, just like this!"

Seeing him slightly uncomfortable, Wang Mang smiled and explained to him, making a straight punch forward.

Qian Xiaobai's body moved uncontrollably following Wang Mang's movements, and his right hand was controlled by that numb force to make the same straight punches as Wang Mang.


Qian Xiaobai gritted his teeth and tried his best to correct his uncontrolled body, but the power in his body was too weird to be able to do it at all!

"How? Regret it?" Wang Mang held his hand and stood aside with a smile, looking at Qian Xiaobai, who kept his straight fist and motionless, and felt a little amused.

This is the first time I have seen the power of this control skill.

When I was in Longshi, the life essence I gave to Li Guang was also mixed with the silver egg of ‘control’. Think about it at this time, Li Guang should also take it.

"Is there any way to regret, is it possible that I still have the right to regret it?!" Qian Xiaobai's words were a little uncomfortable, but his face was more helpless.

"Haha! You are right. It's impossible for you to regret it. After getting on this thief ship of mine, where is there any reason to withdraw?"

When Wang Mang faced Qian Xiaobai’s slightly angry words, he was not angry. He just laughed twice, snapped his fingers, and relieved Qian Xiaobai’s stiff movements.

"Sit, since you chose to be loyal to me, but I will tell you what I can give you!" Wang Mang's face was full of smiles, and Qian Xiaobai was sitting on a low stool.

"I know that you are now loyal to me, unwilling, unwilling, and I will not force you to do anything, but I can give you an expectation! The expectation of becoming a human again!"

Wang Mang looked at Qian Xiaobai and gave the answer he wanted most.

"You won't lie to me, can zombies become humans again?" Qian Xiaobai put his five fingers together, leaning on a low stool, with doubts in his eyes.

"Why not? Didn't the zombies also come from human changes?" Wang Mang tapped his fingers on the armrest of the recliner, and glanced at Qian Xiaobai who was sitting next to him.

"This is different! People become zombies because of...because!..."

"Because of what? You can't tell anymore? Zombies are nothing more than human beings infected by some kind of substance, and they have undergone abnormal changes.

Some have become zombies, and some have become supernaturalists. Is this a very deep question? Since it can be changed, why can't it be changed back? ! "

After Wang Mang had finished speaking, Qian Xiaobai, who was about to refute, also opened his mouth, calmed down, sat on a low stool with his head down, frowned and thought about what Wang Mang had said.

"How do you change it back?" After a while, Qian Xiaobai raised his head and looked at Wang Mang, with hope and expectation in his eyes.

"I can't give you the answer to this question now. Three months later, maybe I can tell you about this, the real answer at that time!"

Wang Mang leaned on the recliner and looked at the west with deep eyes. Maybe the hidden dragon stele will give the answer.

Qian Xiaobai, who did not get the exact answer, was a little disappointed in his eyes.

But the person in front of him was right. He really gave himself a definite direction and hope. Maybe when he is strong, he will truly transform into a human being.

"Please give me more advice in the future, boss!" Qian Xiaobai stood up from the low stool with a smile on his lips, and stretched out his right hand towards Wang Mang.

"En!" Wang Mang smiled and held his hand. At this time, he also accepted this special zombie named Qian Xiaobai in his heart.

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