Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 351: Zhang Lan's choice

"Husband, why Xiaobai's card is different from ours?"

Liu Ying was also curious to take out her own card and compare it with the pattern on the card. A silly toad formed a sharp contrast with the ferocious zombie.

Wang Mang also took out his silver wolf card and compared Qian Xiaobai’s zombie card, and found that except for the slightly different patterns and colors, other aspects were similar.

Wang Mang rubbed his chin, thought for a while, and said, "It should be Xiaobai's identity. After all, there are some differences between zombies and humans."

Qian Xiaobai and Liu Ying also nodded, and only this reason can be explained.

Qian Xiaobai, who knows how to use cards and stone tablets, swiped the light screen with excitement, and bought himself pieces of weapons and equipment.

A full-range communication ring, a storage ring with a storage space of up to 50 cubic meters, and a set of fourth-tier mysterious armor exuding a murderous atmosphere, and a murderous mysterious scimitar.

The total number of zero and zero has been spent on more than 10,000 golden dragon coins. Qian Xiaobai stopped buying with this intent.

He smiled and said to the three of them: "Boss, sister-in-law, tiger brother, what do you want to buy? I'm welcome!"

As soon as his voice fell, Wang Hu snatched the light screen in Qian Xiaobai's hand, laughed and patted his shoulder and said, "Haha, good boy, I knew I didn't mistake you!"

After speaking, I slid the light screen and bought a few high-value foods.

Wang Mang smiled and waved his hand to Qian Xiaobai and said, "You'd better save some golden dragon coins. There will be more places to use in the future. In the future, when you go to the gathering place, you want to live the life of a drunk and gold fan. The expenses are not small."

Qian Xiaobai, who heard Wang Mang’s words, also suddenly remembered his longing wish.

He quickly pulled out the card from Wang Hu's hand, put it in his pocket, looked up at the sky and whistled, as if he had forgotten the words he had just treated.

"Xiao Bai, I just saw something about hiding your breath, you bought it now,

[Aura of Jade] Cover up your zombie aura and transform it into the aura of other people or things.

There is also the [Easy Body Pill], which can simply change your body and make your heart pretend to be beating, but the life system of your zombies cannot be changed."

Wang Mang rubbed his chin, observing Qian Xiaobai's appearance and figure. With these two things as a cover, unless a Tier 6 master, he would definitely not be able to see the true identity of Qian Xiaobai!

"Brother Mang, I have chosen," Zhang Lan, who was standing by, holding the light screen, handed the light screen to Wang Mang with some embarrassment.

Wang Mang took the light screen, and saw that the description of the power awakening potion above was very unique.

The price of this awakening potion is not expensive, as long as 600 gold dragon coins, but this ability is too special, it is not like a girl who adapts to her favorite ability.

Wang Mang looked at Zhang Lan, frowned and asked, "Zhang Lan, are you sure you choose this supernatural potion? You must know that after taking it, you can't change it!"

Zhang Lan raised his head, nodded to Wang Mang with a firm gaze, and said, "Brother Mang, when I scratched this potion, there was a deep feeling in my heart, and I felt that this potion is the most suitable for me!"

Seeing Zhang Lan's determination, Wang Mang nodded, "Well, since you think it's suitable, then I will buy it for you."

Wang Mang swiped the Silver Wolf Card at the light screen, a beep sounded, and a bottle of bright silver awakening potion emerged with a faint dim light.

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