Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 352: Zhang Lan awakening

The awakening potion emitting bright silver light under the refraction of sunlight fell into Wang Mang's hands with the disappearance of the glimmer.

Wang Mang looked at Zhang Lan’s longing and hopeful eyes, smiled slightly and handed her the awakening potion in his hand.

"Zhang Lan, I have to say that the awakening potion you chose is a bit weird, but from the description point of view, it is indeed a very powerful ability!"

Looking at the detailed description of the bright silver awakening potion on the light screen, Wang Mang also sighed for Zhang Lan's choice.

"[Magic Knife Ability Awakening Potion]: The user can obtain the ability blessing when mastering the sword martial arts. When using the knife weapon, the magic knife ability is overlaid on the weapon, and the strength reaches the peak, which can cut the world. Part of the object and energy!"

Wang Mang looked at the description of the magic knife power potion and was slightly surprised. This power focuses on power and assists in talent.

If you really talk about the potential for development, in addition to natural abilities and some special abilities, this kind of abilities definitely exceeds most ordinary abilities in the world.

But the shortcomings are also obvious. You can only use knife weapons. What if the weapon is damaged and broken when fighting against the enemy?

How can you fight like an enemy when you don't have a knife in your hand? If this happens, I am afraid that the whole body's abilities will not be able to perform 30%.

Wang Mang looked at Zhang Lan holding the medicine in his hand, tears flickering in his eyes, and his body was trembling with excitement. He still couldn't help but reminded: "Zhang Lan, this kind of power you chose is too extreme, you are sure not Have you regretted it?"

Zhang Lan raised his head when he heard the words, wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes, smiled and said, "Brother Mang, I'm sure! This kind of power is the best for me!"

"Then you can take it! Don't worry too much. When taking the medicine, there will be pain everywhere in the body. That is the normal performance of the promoted supernatural person."

Wang Mang smiled and waved to her, sitting on a stool, ready to watch her promote from an ordinary person to a supernatural person!

"En!" Zhang Lan smiled and nodded, unplugged the stopper of the medicine bottle, raised his head and poured the bright silver medicine into the mouth.

As soon as she entered the mouth, Zhang Lan felt the pain in her throat, and her mouth was as painful as if she was scraping a knife, but she still resisted the discomfort and poured a bottle of medicine into her mouth.

"Humph~" Zhang Lan felt a sharp pain in her belly after taking the medicine, and her whole body was full of tingling sensation like being pricked by a needle!

His feet were also soft, lying weakly on the floor, frowning, curled up, enduring the pain of awakening!

After seeing Zhang Lan just groaning, Wang Mang clenched his teeth and stopped making any painful sounds. He also smiled slightly and lit a cigarette.

If a person can't even endure the pain of awakening, then what qualifications does this person have to be a supernatural person?

Qian Xiaobai, who admired his new equipment and new weapons, was also curious to see Zhang Lan, who was paralyzed on the ground and in pain, and asked: "Boss, when you become supernatural beings, do you have to experience this kind of pain? ?"

Wang Mang, smoking a cigarette, turned his head and glanced at him, and said, "Not all. Some people don't have the slightest pain when they wake up, and some people feel so painful that they want to commit suicide when they wake up. If you don't believe it, you can ask Ahu." Wang Mang pointed to Wang Hu who was sitting aside smoking.

When Wang Hu saw Wang Mang mentioning himself, he also took a mouthful of cigarettes as if recalling.

"Others, I don't know, anyway, when I awakened, it was really painful! I felt like a piece of pork, being burned in a frying pan at high temperature!"

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