Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 357: look forward to

Qian Xiaobai, who was about to avoid Wang Hu's second attack, pointed to a fashionable women's clothing on the side of the road, and said, "Zhang Lan, isn't this coming out?"

Sure enough, the three of them looked back. Zhang Lan, dressed in a mature, **** urban white-collar suit, walked over with a small step and said with a smile: "Sorry, everyone has been waiting for a long time. Huh, I didn’t wear it for a long time. I liked it before. I’m still in a small suit, but it’s comfortable to wear."

When Zhang Lan saw Wang Mang and Zhang Lan in couple sweaters, she was also slightly stunned, with some envy in her eyes, "Brother Mang and Xiaoying really match well. This is a direct show of affection with us,"

Liu Ying was teased by Zhang Lan, her cheeks were slightly hot, and she embarrassedly buried her face in Wang Mang’s chest.

When Wang Mang saw the crowds there, he said solemnly in his eyes: "Don't talk here. Let's go back to have lunch and prepare something to enter the different time and space. It is better to use this scroll early to avoid long nights and dreams."

All four of them nodded in agreement, chatting, and walking towards the low building.

When I returned to the low building, the hall that was originally stained with carrion became much cleaner.

There were a few hideous zombies, holding a rag in his hand, carefully wiping the blood on the wall. Wang Mang was a little stunned when he saw this scene.

Xiaobai is really creative to let the zombies clean up!

"Xiaobai, you are quite talented!" Wang Mang praised Qian Xiaobai with a smile and pride on his face, looking at him.

"Don't dare to be, don't dare to be, Brother Mang, just a little idea, usually just a movement of mind, you can direct the zombies to do simple things, some complicated things, they still can't do,"

Qian Xiaobai clapped his hands and asked the 20 or so zombies in the low building to help both the maternal zombies and the newborn zombies into a fairly clean room.

The only Tier 3 zombies remaining in the group of corpses and a dozen still clean Tier 1 zombies actively followed Qian Xiaobai.

"Husband, I want to eat barbecue today," Liu Ying leaned in Wang Mang's arms, looking up at Wang Mang with big eyes.

"Brother Mang, I'm hungry too," Wang Hu frowned, stroked his stomach, and said that he was really hungry after eating.

"Then have a barbecue, Xiaobai, you control the zombies to serve the food, it's time for you to **** craft!" Wang Mang smiled confidently at the four, his barbecue skills are still quite good.

The five returned to the top of the low building, set up a barbecue, set up a table of eight immortals, put on juice, soft drinks, snacks and berries, etc.

On the other hand, Wang Mang set on a charcoal fire. He took out a prepared monster rib from the Panlong ring, laid it horizontally on the flame, and carefully grilled it. From time to time, he painted something that seemed appetizing. Sauce,

Wang Mang was grilling his ribs while watching Xiaoying. Ahu and a few people leaned on the stools and chatted comfortably. From time to time, a few zombies held up a drink and a plate of juice was brought to them.

Wang Mang smiled speechlessly when he looked at them. This zombie is also quite good as a waiter. It is estimated that the whole world can experience this kind of wonderful life.

Thinking, Wang Mang snapped his fingers. A zombie that looked dull and silly was also holding a tray with his paws, and brought a bottle of Coke.

Wang Mang took a sip, leaning against the chair, his eyes slightly closed, and he was also a little bit tranced. What kind of time and space will the Scroll of Time and Space go to? It's really exciting!

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