Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 358: Poor white

A bunch of neatly packed meat skewers were served on the Baxian table, followed by a crisp yellow rib that was the size of a tire.

As soon as Wang Hu saw the ribs and meat skewers on the table, it looked like a wild dog with green eyes. Three steps changed into two steps. A fierce man rushed to the table and grabbed a handful of grilled meat. Stuff your mouth,

"Damn bastard, Wang Hu, save some for Lao Tzu! I haven't eaten it yet!"

Wang Mang, who was about to roast some more bones and flesh, saw Wang Hu grabbing and stuffing with both hands, a plate of meat entered his mouth, and he stood up angrily. The guy who was roasting in his hand threw it to the table. , Ate fiercely with Wang Hu,

"Brother Mang, Brother Tiger, you save some for me," Qian Xiaobai looked anxiously in his eyes as the food on the table disappeared quickly, and hurried to the table, reaching out to grab some barbecue.

"Go! It's your turn if you haven't eaten enough!" Wang Hu grasped the meat skewers in one hand. Seeing that Qian Xiaobai wanted to grab food from his mouth, he hurriedly guarded the barbecue on the plate, grabbed his clothes, and handed over. He pushed a somersault,

Qian Xiaobai sat on the ground crying without tears, quietly watching Wang Hu and Wang Mang devour them, the expression on his face was a little unlovable.

After a while, there was only a small plate of chopped rows left on the large Eight Immortals table, one by one was cut evenly and neatly, the skin was golden and crisp, the meat was fresh and tender, and it was brushed with a layer of fragrant and rich meat sauce.

Just smelling the scent, Qian Xiaobai’s gluttonous worms in Qian Xiaobai’s stomach were hooked out, and he swallowed the saliva secreted in his mouth.

Wang Hu looked eagerly at the small row of plates on the table, pursed his mouth, and looked at the serious brother Mang who was staring at him, his outstretched hand retracted again.

"Brother Mang, I'm full, I won't eat anymore!"

Upon hearing these words, Wang Mang's serious face also showed a smile, "Well, okay, I just ate just now,"

"Thank you Brother Mang, Brother Tiger, you are so kind to me, and you specially reserved me a plate of the most delicious short ribs. Really, I thought you wouldn't leave me meat at first."

Qian Xiaobai looked at Wang Mang and Wang Hu with a touch of emotion, his eyes were full of sincerity. Brother Hu just pushed himself a bit, but he still thought of himself, and Brother Mang must have seen that he was not full. I deliberately left a small row for myself to eat,

Qian Xiaobai stood up and was about to reach out for a piece of this small row full of friendship and emotion, but was blocked by a hand.

Looking up, it was Wang Hu with a scumbag and a shy smile.

"Xiaobai, I have finished your share of yours. I'm sorry, this one belongs to my sister-in-law. If you want to eat it, let's bake it later."

Qian Xiaobai's outstretched hand froze suddenly, and the touch on his face was also startled, and Wang Hu's shy smile was reflected in the pupils of his eyes, which gradually became a little loose.

Oh my god! This **** King Hu actually ate his share!

Wang Mang looked at Qian Xiaobai as if struck by lightning, with some sympathy in his eyes.

If Ahu is not a person, but a wild dog who lives by snatching food, then Ahu must be the king of wild dogs!

Even his eating speed is much worse than that of Ahu. Xiaobai wants to grab food from Ahu’s mouth. It’s not an ordinary difficulty.

"Xiaobai, take two, and I will take the rest to Xiaoying."

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