Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 359: Scroll screen

When Qian Xiaobai heard this, the expression on his face became more vivid. He smiled and was about to take two small rows, but Wang Hu’s broad palm took a small row from the plate like lightning. Throwing into his mouth, he mumbled vaguely: "Xiao Bai, I'll help you eat another piece and taste it."

"Wang Hu, you bastard, I'm not at odds with you!" Qian Xiaobai stalked his neck, blushing, and let out an angry roar at Wang Hu!

"Drink, what do you want, little turtle calf,"

Wang Mang watched the two yelling at each other fiercely, walked silently away from the small row, handed it to Liu Ying who was sitting on a recliner reading a book, found a stool and sat down and said, "It's all quiet, I'm going to start the scroll!"

Both Wang Hu and Qian Xiaobai, who were arguing and scolding, stopped in an instant. Liu Ying raised his head and put down the book in his hand. Zhang Lan also stopped wiping the knife and looked at Wang Mang.

Panlong Ring flashed red, and the dark and deep scroll appeared in Wang Mang’s hands.

Wang Mang rubbed the scroll that was no bigger than his palm, and squeezed the scroll with both hands, suddenly a projection-like picture appeared on the scroll that was pulled apart.

The scroll slowly floats into the air. On the screen, pedestrians in ancient costumes are walking on a wide stone road.

There are numerous shops and restaurants along the road. Among the pedestrians, there are horsemen driving horse-drawn carriages, taxis with luggage, and maids and ladies surrounded by servants.

Among them, the most luxurious three-story wooden building in the center of the picture is faintly fluorescent, and on the high-hanging plaque, three characters "Wanbaolou" are painted with dragons and phoenixes!

Suddenly the picture on the scroll changed, and a line of small characters appeared: Because the space-time barrier is relatively strong and dangerous, there are two people crossing!

The five people on the low-rise building clearly saw a line of small golden characters on the scroll, and they were a little disappointed in their originally excited eyes.

Wang Mang looked at this line of small characters, but his eyes were a little deep, frowned, rubbing his chin thinking, and after a while, he muttered and said, "Ahu, go with me,"

As soon as this statement was made, the faces of the other three were more or less disappointed, but no one refuted them.

Wang Mang smiled at them and said, "Xiaoying, Xiaobai, and Zhang Lan, different time and space are too dangerous. The reason why I chose Ahu is because of this. Ahu’s character is very important for meeting this unknown danger. There is still a certain advantage, and Ahu's melee strength is still very strong, able to protect himself."

Liu Ying heard this, sitting on the recliner with big bright eyes, quietly looking at Wang Mang, her eyes a little sad.

When Wang Mang looked at Liu Ying, he gave a wry smile, rubbed Liu Ying's little head, and said, "Xiao Ying, it's not that I don't want to take you, but this scroll can only let two people go, besides-- I don't want you to be in danger!"

Liu Ying heard Wang Mang's words, her eyes suddenly reddened, her eyes were misty, and she cried and said, "My husband, I don't want you to be in danger," Liu Ying got up from the recliner, tightly. Hugging Wang Mang, tears that he held back finally came out, wet Wang Mang’s shoulders.

Wang Mang patted Liu Ying comfortably on Liu Ying's back, his eyes were a bit bitter. In order to become stronger in these last days, danger is absolutely unavoidable, "Xiaoying, don't worry, I will come back alive!" Wang Mang took out something. Liu Ying carefully wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes with a tissue.

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