Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 360: Go to giant city

Liu Ying nodded with a bit of choking, and looked at Wang Mang worriedly.

Wang Mang smiled at her, turned around, beckoned to Wang Hu who was already ready, bit his finger, and a drop of red blood fell on the scroll floating in the air.

Wang Hu also tried to throw his blood on the scroll. Suddenly, the black scroll burst into a dazzling golden light, and a swirling entrance constructed by golden energy appeared directly under the scroll.

Facing this familiar entrance, Wang Mang turned his head to look at Liu Ying, Zhang Lan, and Qian Xiaobai with a smile, waved at them, walked into the whirlpool and disappeared, Wang Hu also followed closely.

After the two entered the vortex, the black scroll floating in the air also disappeared suddenly.

As soon as Wang Mang entered the whirlpool passage, he suddenly felt a burst of violent weightlessness and dizziness. Every muscle in his body suffered tearing pain.

Fortunately, this situation did not last long. After a few seconds, Wang Mang felt a dazzling light, and his body felt like he was falling.

"Hu~" Suddenly there was a whistling wind in his ears, and Wang Mang also fell from the passage of time and space, falling straight from a mid-air of just over 20 meters.

Wang Mang moved his body and sensed his body's reaction in this strange time and space, but he discovered that the gravity of this strange time and space was twice as high as the world he was in!

No wonder the falling speed is so fast!

Wang Mang's mind only came and flashed through this thought. His body was about to fall to the hillside below. Wang Mang controlled his balance very quickly. As soon as his toes touched the ground, it was a beautiful shock-absorbing roll and stood up unscathed.

Wang Hu also let out a scream in the sky, hitting the ground in a free fall like a shot ball, and a small pit appeared on the shaking soft lawn.

Wang Mang was rather speechless and helped Wang Hu up from the small pit. It is estimated that Ahu did not consider that the gravity in this time and space was so great that he had no time to react in the air.

"Ahu, let's observe the surrounding environment, the picture that appears in the scroll should not be far from where we are now,"

Wang Mang was standing on the hillside with a few small trees, looking into the distance. Suddenly, his eyes lit up. Sure enough, the street that appeared on the scroll was not far from here!

Not far away, a towering huge city stands on this vast grassland. At the north and south gates of the giant city, pedestrians and carriages come and go in an endless stream, making it extremely lively and prosperous.

Wang Hu patted the mud on his clothes, frowned, and walked to Wang Mang's body and said, "Brother Mang, have you noticed that the energy in this time and space is very peculiar. It doesn't seem to come from the air, but the sun in the sky. !"

Wang Hu pointed to the extremely hot sun in the sky, with a few drops of sweat on his forehead.

Wang Mang nodded in agreement. With the sun's rays, the perception of that energy became clearer. This energy was several grades higher than his own supernatural energy!

That is to say, the powerhouse that this time and space can breed, the monster beast is much stronger than his own world!

Wang Mang leaned against the small tree on the hillside a little irritably, frowned, looked at the direction of the giant city, and thought secretly.

This space-time energy is so abundant, there must be a lot of exotic treasures and spirit grasses that must be bred, but I don’t know what currency this space-time is traded in. Otherwise, as long as you buy a little bit, this trip will not be considered a loss.

Wang Mang thought, with a decision in his heart, and said to Wang Hu on the side: "Ahu, let's go, let's go to the giant city!"

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