Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 361: watermelon

The giant city didn’t seem to be very far from the hillside where Wang Mang was located, but when Wang Mang and Wang Hu really set off, they discovered that Wangshan ran to death. The saying was still very reasonable.

"Brother Mang, why don't we fly? How long are we going to go like this!"

Wang Hu lifted the collar of his clothes and wiped the sweat from his face, then looked up at the hot sun in the sky, his heart was full of irritability and depression.

"Ahu, we just came to this strange time and space. It's better to keep a low profile. If you fly in the sky, it would be too eye-catching."

Wang Mang also took off his sweater hotly, wiped the sweat on his forehead, "Hold on for a while, it's almost there."

Wang Hu nodded helplessly, and continued to follow behind Wang Mang, trotting all the way towards the giant city. The two of them ran for about four or five hours. The Lieyang in the sky was slowly slanting westward. It's dusk time,

Wang Mang was shirtless, frowning, with a cigarette in his mouth, and he was relieved when he saw the south gate of the giant city he was about to arrive.

I ran for five hours on this vast grassland! It's finally here! What kind of **** scroll, it's horrible, it's not far from the picture! !

The Wang Hu on the side was even more unbearable, panting continuously, wearing only a pair of big pants, and wiping sweat with a towel in his hand.

"Ahu, we are in a hurry this time, we haven't done the preparations! We will come again after we knew that you should be promoted first."

Wang Mang looked at Wang Hu, who was exhausted and panting. He also dusted the soot, full of sympathy for him. With his Tier 3 strength, he couldn't bear to run wild for five hours in this scorching sun, let alone now only two. The middle-level king tiger,

Wang Hu took out a bottle of cold beer from the storage ring, bit off the lid with his teeth, and poured his head into his mouth.

'Gudong~ Gudong' two mouthfuls entered the stomach, and then a refreshing sigh was made, "Brother Mang, don't say anything, I just want to find a bed and get a good night's sleep. These five hours Running wildly, it's too torturous!"

Wang Mang threw away his cigarette **** and nodded in agreement, "Ahu, we are about to reach the giant city. Let's put on our clothes first."

After speaking, the two of them wiped off their sweat, put on their clothes against the weird gazes of people coming and going around.

Although the clothes of the two people still don’t fit in with the ancient costumes of the people around them, it’s not that they are not well-dressed. At most, they are cast with curiosity and doubts.

Wang Mang and Wang Hu walked to the very end of the line that entered the city from the south gate, shaking their bodies somewhat weakly. Fortunately, it is already twilight, and there are not many people in front. Otherwise, it would take several hours to line up.

"Brother Mang, look, there are watermelon sellers over there!" Wang Hu lined up behind Wang Mang and excitedly pointed to a pergola made of straw mats by the road.

Inside, an old man with white beard and white hair was setting up a table. He took out a watermelon the size of a basketball from the well beside him. He picked up a kitchen knife and quickly cut it a few times. The watermelon was divided into eight equal pieces.

Just looking at the rosy melon flesh with sweet juice, Wang Mang and Wang Hu both had straight eyes, and they couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

"Lao Zhang, how do you sell watermelons!" Wang Mang looked at the dozens of horse-drawn carriages standing in line in front of him, ready to pass the inspection at the gate of the city, and couldn't help but ask the old man selling melons.

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