Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 362: Buy watermelon

The white-haired old man, wearing a light blue coat, was about to take a piece of watermelon to quench his thirst, when he heard two strangely dressed young people in the city entering the city looking at him with green light in his eyes, he was frightened. They all flicked, the watermelons all fell on the table,

But seeing the person asking questions, he courageously replied: "A piece of watermelon for three cents, if you buy a whole melon... it will be cheaper for you,"

Listening to the white-haired old man's answer, Wang Mang frowned uncontrollably. What is the concept of three cents of silver? I wonder if I can pay the bill with silver coins?

"Lao Zhang, can you see if this can be paid?"

With some doubts, Wang Mang took out an exquisitely shaped Panlong silver coin and accurately threw it into the palm of the somewhat dazed white-haired old man at a distance of four or five meters.

"Lao Zhang, don't be stunned, can this be paid?" Wang Mang stared straight at the red flesh, swallowing again.

The white-haired old man also reacted from a dazed state at this time. He pinched the shiny silver coin in his hand, put it in his mouth with few teeth and bit it, and saw several gravures on the silver coin. Then he smiled with satisfaction, "Guest, the fineness of the silver you gave is really good, it's genuine sterling silver!"

"You can use it, this silver coin is worth a few cents!" Wang Mang looked at the watermelon anxiously, and asked quickly.

"The standard weight of this silver coin is one piece of silver, which is equivalent to ten silver!" The white-haired old man weighed the weight of the silver coin with his hands, and confidently stated the weight of the silver coin.

"Then I'll give you two more, and quickly cut me a watermelon!" Wang Mang took out two more silver coins from the ring, and they must be thrown on the white-haired old man's table.

"Okay, I'll choose a big one for you!"

The old man smiled and picked up the silver coin from the table, stuffed it into the open pocket of the light blue coat, holding a kitchen knife in his hand, and hung a wooden barrel from the stone well, a black one three points bigger than a basketball. The skin watermelon was taken up,

The old man's kitchen knife flashed, and he cut a few times at the melon like lightning, and then divided it into eight evenly standard pieces. He took a few pieces of grease paper, wrapped the foreskin, and sent the melon to Wang Mang, Wang Hu with a smile In the hands of

He kept complimenting the watermelon he sold, "The skin is thin and the taste is sweet, no sand and no money, no money!"

Wang Mang was not interested in listening to the old man telling how excellent his watermelon was. He took the melon and just took two bites.

The sweet, cool and moist melon flesh was bitten in his mouth, and Wang Mang was instantly excited. On such a hot day, eating a juicy and refreshing watermelon is simply a kind of enjoyment in the world.

"Lao Zhang, you have a good melon!" Wang Mang finished gnawing the watermelon in two mouthfuls, took another piece, complimented him, and continued to gnaw.

A huge watermelon, only two or three minutes, was eaten by Wang Mang and Wang Hu, leaving only the green melon skin, and the red flesh was invisible.

"Brother Mang! Let's have three more. We just moistened our throat and won't quench our thirst!"

Wang Hu dropped the melon skin in his hand and wiped the juice from the corner of his mouth. There was still some meaning in his eyes. He stared at the well filled with watermelons and said something.

Wang Mang directly waved his hand, took a handful of shiny silver coins, stuffed it into the old man's hand and said: "Old man, please have five more melons, the bigger ones!"

The white-haired old man stared at the right hand that was stuffed with a handful of silver coins, his eyes were a little stunned, and the hand holding the silver coins was a little trembling.

"Okay...Okay...Okay...I'll cut it right away!" The old man's voice was a little unstable, and he sold the amount of watermelon for several days in just a few minutes!

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