Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 363: Bearded

Time passed quickly, the blazing sun on the horizon did not emit high-temperature heat, but became red and slowly slanted to the west, and the sun also became softer.

After Wang Mang and Wang Hu gnawed the last piece of watermelon, they threw the melon skin into the wooden bucket that the old man had prepared for them. It is said that trash cannot be littered, and someone will fine it!

Wang Mang stroked his full belly and looked at the line in front of him, but one or two carriages, a dozen pedestrians, and he seemed to be able to enter the city right away.

"Uncle Zhang, are you going to close the stall now?" A middle-aged man with a bare shoulders and a beard looked at the white-haired old man who was collecting the pergola in doubt, and couldn't help but ask.

I wanted to buy a watermelon to quench my thirst. Why did this old man close his stall so early today?

The old man turned his head and looked at the person, showing a smile with a few teeth missing and said: "It's Sun Er, your Uncle Zhang, I have a good business today. The melons are all sold out. You are late, let’s go. Let’s wait. I went into the city to drink two Gu,"

"Oh, Uncle Zhang, I met a nobleman today, it's the first time you invited me to drink,"

Sun Er wiped his bushy beard and looked at the old man's joyful look. He also knew that his business today must be quite good.

"Hi, the business is just like that in the morning. In the evening, two young men ate eleven melons in one go! They gave the finest pure silver!" The old man gestured to Sun Er with a gesture of eleven. The smiling eyes are narrowed,

When the beard heard the old man’s words, his eyes also showed a questioning look.

"Here, it's the two people who are about to enter the city. They wear the most special clothes." The white-haired old man naturally understood what Sun Er meant, and snarled in the direction of Wang Mang and Wang Hu. "You can hurry. Ah, don't let other colleagues get ahead!"

"Don't worry, this sale is completed, I invite you to go to Haitian Pavilion for dinner!" The old man gestured to Sun Eryi when he saw Wang Mang and Wang Hu in eye-catching clothes in the crowd, and wiped it away. The beard walked over,

Wang Mang looked at the coachman driving a carriage in front of him, and showed a piece of paper full of words and covered with a few red badges. The guard in armor guarding the city gate swept his eyes. , Let go,

"Speaking of you, show the household registration and the way, and you are not allowed to enter!"

Looking at Wang Mang, the two soldiers with a sullen expression frowned in the strange costumes on Wang Hu's body. They looked like they came from the south!

Wang Mang looked at these two armored soldiers with sullen faces and long spears. Their eyes widened a bit. My dear, the soldiers guarding the city turned out to have the aura of a Tier 1 supernatural power? !

Wang Mang habitually sensed the aura of the defending soldier, but found that the two of them were full of vitality, and their aura of aura was roughly equal to that of a Tier 1 low-level ability player.

However, it was obvious that Wang Mang found that the aura of these two people was more masculine and **** in line with this world, just like the scorching sun in the sky, full of blazing heat!

"I'm deaf? Hukou, where's the guide?" One of the soldiers didn't respond as they watched the two of them, and angrily slammed the spear in his hand.

"Two, these two are my own younger brothers who came to the city to join me. This is a little bit reserved for the two elder brothers to buy wine and drink!"

Just as Wang Mang frowned and thought about how to trick him into the city, a middle-aged man with a long beard smiled and secretly stuffed two pieces of silver into the hands of the two soldiers.

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