Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 364: Sun Er

The two scornful soldiers squeezed the size of the silver in their hands. The original impatient faces also showed a little smile: "It's your brother, then go in quickly, don't stand in the back. People check,"

A soldier waved his hands at Wang Mang and Wang Hu, and put the silver in his hands into the inner pocket of the armor, preparing to check the team entering the city behind.

"The two brothers don't froze, go into the city quickly, if you have anything you want to ask, ask later when you enter the city,"

Sun Er with a thick beard, seeing Wang Mang and Wang Hu was still a little stunned, and quickly pushed the two of them, and walked into the prosperous giant city together.

"Brother, we don't know each other, why are you helping us?"

Wang Mang’s eyesight is naturally very good. Sun Er's move of secretly handing silver to the soldiers can be seen clearly by himself. What makes me wonder is that a stranger who has never met came into the city for himself Stuff the soldiers with silver?

Sun Er wiped the grease on his beard, wiped it on his stomach, smiled at the two of them, and said, "I don’t want to hide it from you, I am a guide for outsiders, nothing else. , Which restaurant in this city has the best food, and that pill pavilion's pill is the most correct, I am a Men Erqing!"

When Wang Mang heard what Sun Er said, he laughed. Isn’t this the broker who introduces people to buying and selling?

But how did this person know that he would hire him? If you don't hire him, wouldn't the two pieces of silver he gave to the soldiers be lost?

"Seeing that you are older than me, I will call you eldest brother. I'm very curious, how do you think we need such a guide? If you don't hire you, you will lose out."

When Sun Eryi heard Wang Mang's words, he smiled slightly, "Two people, my common name is Sun Er, and I have no other skills. These two eyes are bright, I have never missed it! I saw you two. Dressed up, you know that you are not our local, you should be from the south,

Although the clothes are a bit peculiar, the materials are very valuable at first glance, and I saw that when you eat watermelon at the gate of the city, you don’t need two or three cents of the remaining money. Presumably both of them are not bad money owners. Of course, I dare to take such a risk and pass the two fools, but if the two don’t hire me, I will have a good relationship."

Sun Er wiped his beard, and the smile at the corner of his mouth looked very sincere. In fact, he didn't say one more thing, that is, the strength of the two people in front of him is absolutely beyond ordinary people.

Especially the person who is talking to himself, who looks like the boss, is full of blood and vitality, and obviously has superb strength. This kind of strong person is naturally not willing to owe him favors, let alone reluctant to account. ,

Wang Mang squinted his eyes, looked at Sun Er who was smiling very kindly, and nodded secretly towards him in his heart.

This person's ability to detect words is absolutely terrific. Except for his own origin, he has no mistakes or omissions. He can be regarded as a capable person. Moreover, this person dares to take risks and can speak well. It won’t work if I don’t hire him.

Wang Mang groaned a little, and said, "Okay, then hire you. How can we discuss the price? We will stay in this city for three days. Please lead the way for these three days. We are going to buy more spiritual objects and specialties. What to bring back,"

"No problem! You hired me, those profiteers will definitely not cheat you. You will know if I have boasted about going to Haikou when you see the money you save." The smiling beard is a trembling grandson Second, I patted the fat on my belly, and promised me swearly,

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