Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 365: Haitian Pavilion

"However, my wages are more expensive than other peers. After all, those who do our business are of different grades. If you are not talented, you are considered a veteran."

Wang Mang watched him talking about his wages, his face was not half embarrassed, but he smiled very candidly, which made people feel good, "Money is not a problem, are these enough?" Wang Mang put his hand in his pocket and took out three golden lights. The shiny golden dragon coin was handed to him,

I just asked the white-haired old man who sold watermelons a few words, and found that in this time and space, not only the silver dragon coins can be used, but even the golden dragon coins can be used as well.

After Sun Er took the golden dragon coin, he just glanced at him, and then he was filled with ecstasy. Sure enough, Uncle Zhang said it was really good. It was all pure gold with excellent pure color. Except for the strange shape, there was no shortcoming at all. what,

"Two people, this is too much, my wages a day, 8 coins is enough, you give too much,"

Sun Er swallowed while looking at the shiny golden dragon coins, moved his eyes away, and said with a smile: "You may not know that gold is more expensive than silver here. These three gold coins can be worth thirty taels of silver. Ingots,"

Wang Mang waved his hand indifferently, "It's okay. We are here this time mainly to buy some strange and practical things. You take ten taels, and the remaining twenty taels, you can help us buy them."

As soon as Wang Mang said this, Sun Er shook his beard in excitement, his eyes were a little red, and a reward of ten taels! I have to earn a few months, and I have to buy things and get rebates, and I can earn more than two!

What is the origin of these two weird clothes? Not only has the strength, but also the net worth?

"Hurry up and find a place to live for both of us, and then arrange a meal. Both of us are tired and want to rest early."

Wang Mang lifted his clothes, his sweat stuck to his shirt, and he was very uncomfortable. Now he just wants to take a bath and go to bed quickly.

"Understood, those two should go to the nearest Haitian Pavilion. The meals and guest rooms there are very top-notch," Sun Er said as he put the golden dragon coin in his hand into the pocket of his shorts. Pointed to a luxurious two-story wooden building on the street not far away,

There are many horse-drawn carriages parked at the door. Looking at the exquisite style of the horse-drawn carriages, you also know that this Haitian Pavilion is indeed quite high-end.

"Then go there and lead the way," Wang Mang waved indifferently.

"Brother Mang, I'm so hungry. The watermelons I just ate are sweet or sweet, regardless of fullness!" Wang Hu's stomach is always hungry the fastest. After eating the watermelon, he stroked his stomach again. , Frowned, cried out hungry,

Wang Mang did not answer either. The three of them walked towards the Haitian Pavilion not far away, a few steps, and they arrived in a while.

At the door, a few beautiful girls in red, leaning against the door chatting, smiled on their faces when they saw Sun Er who led the way, and hurriedly looked behind Sun Er.

As soon as I saw the consequences, there were two young people dressed in extraordinary clothes, so they took small steps to greet them, "Second Lord, are these two top-notch men or staying in a shop? Do you want the girls to wait?"

Sun Er looked at the smiling girl in red in front of him, and joked: "Xiaohe, don't you ask your brother me? My brother still remembers you every day."

"The girls don't need it for the time being. Give me these two distinguished guests and prepare two rooms for the room. Good wine and good food are on offer. Money is not a problem."

As Sun Er said, he took out a not-so-small silver ingot from the pocket of his shorts and threw it into the hands of the little He in red.

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