Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 366: Four more

"Good! Mother Li went to the house with two items, good wine and good food!" Xiao He waved the silver ingot in his hand and shouted to a woman in the house.

Sun Er had another conversation with Wang Mang, and then left straight away, and Xiao He led them to the second floor.

As soon as he entered the guest room, Wang Mang felt that the grade of the Haitian Pavilion was really not low. If nothing else, he said that the decorations in the room were very valuable. There was also a shallow white blanket on the wooden boards, which looked quite good. For luxury!

"Xiaohe, right? Can you hurry up, my brother is extremely hungry," Wang Mang pointed to Wang Hu, who was hungry with green eyes beside him, and smiled at Xiaohe.

"No problem, guest officer, I'll go to the kitchen to remind you. This is the key to the room."

Seeing the green light in Wang Hu’s eyes, Xiaohe couldn’t help but shivered. He quickly handed the key to Wang Mang and went downstairs quickly.

Wang Hu found a chair with a pained expression on his face and sat down, still holding his stomach with his hands, as if he was already hungry.

"Brother Mang, can you trust Sun Er, you're not afraid that he will run away if he rolls out the money?"

Seeing Wang Hu's question, Wang Mang waved his hand and said, "No, Sun Er is very smart. He won't run away for this little money."

Wang Mang knows very well about a very smart person like Sun Er. If you can make him make more money, you will beat him and scold him, and he will not leave.

I have already told him to stay in the city for three days. If he leads him to purchase supplies for these three days, how much can he get with the rebate? Will he give up the opportunity to make a lot of money for this mere tens of taels of silver?

"Well, Brother Mang, I'll listen to you," Wang Hu didn't worry anymore when he saw Wang Mang's words. At this moment, the door of the guest room was opened, and beautiful women in **** red clothes were carrying a Plates of delicious food came in,

Wang Mang and Wang Hu were also extremely hungry. Regardless of whether the dishes were served or not, they grabbed a bite of the dishes and poured them into their mouths. In just a few seconds, a plate of roast duck, a plate of fatty intestines, and A few cold dishes went into the belly of Wang Mang and Wang Hu.

"Pop!" Wang Mang took out a lot of silver dragon coins, patted it on the table, and after eating the last dish, he roared: "Four more!"

Among them, Xiaohe, who was standing at the leading position of the girl in red, had a little fear on his face, but he still had the courage to point to the plate of the last dish and asked: "Guardian, are you saying that this braised carp will have another four? "

Wang Mang frowned and shook his head slowly at her and said, "No, I mean four more of all the dishes! With this order, my brother and I only ate 30% full, isn't it Ahu?"

Wang Hu hurriedly put down the chicken bones in his hands, nodded and shook his head, and said, "Brother Mang, I just had a stomach cushion. It's almost as if I didn't eat anything."

"Have you heard, go and serve the dishes," Wang Mang put the approximately one hundred silver dragon coins equivalent to a dozen taels of silver on the wooden tray held by Xiao He, and waved her to urge her to serve again.

The little red-clothed lotus, when he heard Wang Mang and Wang Hu's words, his eyes were dumbfounded.

My God, just a table of twenty-four dishes, eight cold dishes, sixteen hot dishes, most of them are meat dishes, these two people eat only enough to fill their stomachs, this world is crazy !

Xiaohe stupidly carried the tray and went downstairs, instructing all the masters in the kitchen to start. Two strange people just came upstairs, and they ate more than pigs!

While tasting a little wine, Wang Mang was a little confused about Xiao He’s stunned performance just now. This is unreasonable. There are obviously strong men in this time and space. The two soldiers at the city gate are the best proof. Can those strong men eat? Not like yourself?

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