Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 394: Spring auction begins

Wang Mang leaned his hand on the sofa and stared at the auction stand under the glass intently. The kind-faced middle-aged auctioneer below blushed and slammed the gavel in his hand on the auction stand.

Excitedly shouted with his own loud voice: "The 125th Wanbao Pavilion Spring Auction! The official start!"

As these words fell, a wave of applause and cheers in the hall suddenly sounded, and a few excited people stood up from the sofa seats, looked at the auction table with smiles, and slapped them hard. Palm!

Wang Mang heard the loud applause in the elegant room, and the emotions in his heart couldn't help being aroused by the high-pitched atmosphere.

Wang Hu and Sun Er on the side were even more unbearable. The two of them had already stood up collectively, leaning against the glass, looking expectantly at the auction table below;

At the auction site, as the applause in the hall gradually subsided, a beautiful maid wearing a slim and **** palace costume, holding a wooden tray, walked slowly onto the auction site with lotus steps.

Before that, the middle-aged auctioneer who blushed and shouted "Auction Start", the flushing on his face also disappeared a lot at this time, and his amiable and friendly face was restored.

"Everyone has seen the eight beauties on this stage. Their beauty was selected by one of our Wanbao Pavilion. The first auction item to be unveiled today is definitely more precious and rarer than the beauty of these beauties. A lot!"

In the hall, tens of thousands of warriors and wealthy merchants of different identities showed a knowing smile when they heard the comparison of the image of the auctioneer. Some vulgar ones also blew at the beauties on the stage. The whistle resulted in another roar of laughter;

Seeing that the atmosphere is so harmonious, the auctioneer smiled kindly and pressed his hand and said, "Well, you guys, let's not gossip. Next, please take a look at this first auction item."

The amiable auctioneer waved his hand to a beautiful woman in palace costume headed by her. The woman nodded, holding the tray with one hand, and the other green hand opened the red curtain on the tray.


The people sitting in the first few rows of the hall all stood up, poked their heads, to see if they could take a second look at the first baby who appeared!

"Damn, the two hundred and five in front, can you sit down! Blocking the people behind!"

"Are you gods? Even if you are standing, you can see the effect of the baby after more than ten meters?"

Several grumpy warriors in the back row cursed at the person in front of them. Seeing that the person standing in front had not yet sat down, they rolled up their sleeves and couldn't help but want to pull out the waistband. arms,

But when I touched it, I found out, shit, when I just entered the door, I received the weapons in the Qiankun bag. If this is taken out to hurt people and disrupt the order of the auction, then Wanbao Pavilion will not be merciful!

Seeing that there were a few warriors who wanted to draw their swords, the black-clothed warriors who wandered in the auction hall squinted their eyes to the side of the warrior for an instant, did not speak, just stood up beside him for less than half Mi's place, looking at them quietly, there seemed to be provocation in his eyes: drawing a knife! If you are bold enough, draw your sword!

Most warriors saw the powerful warrior with only one pair of eyes in front of him, covered in black, and the motion of drawing the sword was also instantly converged, smiled shyly, and sat back on the sofa again.

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