Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 395: Gilt Purple Jade Smoker

Wang Mang looked at the lively scene in the downstairs hall in the Tianzi-style elegant room, and grinned with a grin, "Ahu, look, this elegant room still has the benefits of an elegant room,"

The amiable auctioneer on the auction platform was not surprised at all in the atmosphere full of gunpowder in the hall. The warriors were mostly irritable. They did not directly start the fight this time. They were already very orderly.

I remember that during the last autumn auction, two martial artists from the six-layer realm attacked from the hall to the stage. They were so powerful and powerful. Most of the crocodile leather seats in the hall were damaged, and the auction table was destroyed. A palm collapsed, and it was the deputy pavilion master who took the initiative to suppress the two!

"Just keep quiet, everyone! Stop making a noise," the kind auctioneer made a silent motion with his hands down.

From the tray, I picked up a gilt-gold and jade-inlaid smoking pipe with gems of various colors, half-held it brightly, and put it back on the tray and said, "Everyone, this first collection is not easy. It is famous. Master of Taoism, the late master of the Seventh Realm: the relic of Tianshi Liu San,"

"This smoking gun, Tianshi Liu San has carried him personally for more than 70 years. It is very likely that it contains any secrets or exclusive cheats. If it is photographed, it will be a great opportunity!"

The many warriors who had been seated in the hall calmly heard this and immediately stood up again, staring at the items in the tray with their eyes fixedly, revealing the fiery enthusiasm!

The relic of Tianshi Liu San! That was Liu San Tianshi, who pioneered the Taoist martial artist! How could he not leave any secrets in his personal belongings, even if it was just a trick of martial arts secrets!

"The starting price of the gilt purple jade pipe: 500 Lingjing!" Seeing that most of the people in this hall were mobilized by the pipe of Liu San's personal relic, the kind auctioneer also shouted the starting price while the iron was hot!

"I'm coming, five hundred spirit crystals!"

"Six hundred Lingjing!"

"I have eight hundred spirit crystals! Tianshi Liu San is actually my grandfather, please give me Liu Laohu a face!"

"Fuck you, who doesn't know the nature of your Liu Miao, you will recognize your grandfather when you see a powerful warrior, I will give out 1,000 spirit crystals, I want this smoking gun!"

A middle-aged man with a wretched, skinny face and a look exactly like a mouse, he gritted his teeth bitterly when he saw someone out of 1000 spirit crystals, and shouted: "1200 spirit crystals! Don't fight with me! I'm really a celestial master Liu San. My grandson! My dad is actually the illegitimate son of Master Liu!"

The strong man who mocked him before then glanced at him disdainfully, then raised his number plate and shouted, "1500 Spirit Crystals!"

"Dog stuff! Even the relics of my own grandfather have to be snatched. It's really not the slightest quality!" Seeing that the other party had quoted a high price, Liu Mouse scolded the man and sat back on the sofa unwillingly.

The amiable auctioneer smiled with great joy, a good start! I didn't expect this relic of Tianshi Liu San to be so popular!

"Okay! This customer bid 1500 Lingjing, is there any further increase?"

The people around were not stupid either, pointing to the smoking gun on the auction stage in twos and threes and discussing, but no one raised the number plate to bid.

"1500 Lingjing for the first time!"

"The second time for 1500 Lingjing!"

"The third time for 1500 Lingjing! The auction was successful. Congratulations to this guest for getting a good start to this season's spring auction!"

Seeing that the auction was successful, the sturdy warrior nodded his head with satisfaction, and sat back in the position behind him!

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