Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 396: Universe House Card

Wang Mang looked at the auction process that lasted only three or four minutes, and he also had a good idea of ​​the auction. When he came this time, as long as the price of the giant treasure did not exceed his limit, he was bound to win it!

However, the smoking gun just now is obviously an item that only applies to the warriors of this time and space. The Tianshi Liu Santian has never heard of it himself, so Wang Mang just watched it with interest just now. As for the auction, it’s not useful. This is of little use to him. !

"Okay! The first auction item just got a gratifying result, now we look at this second auction item!"

The smiling auctioneer waved his hand, and the second woman in palace costume opened the red curtain on the tray in her hand, revealing a strange card the size of a playing card!

"This is the second auction item! Don't think that this card is the size of a palm, but this function is also very strange. This is the work of the formation master Li Mu and the Qiankun bag research and development master Lu He. It has a very Appropriate name: Qiankun House Card!"

The kind-faced auctioneer held the card high, his face flushed again, and his tone of voice was a little higher and shouted: "As the name suggests, this card contains a large courtyard covering an area of ​​half an acre. It only needs to be flicked. , Throw the card on the ground, the card will turn into a streamer and become a set of exquisite and elegant courtyards,"

"If you are not satisfied with the courtyard house, you can still take this card and paste it on the building. You can copy the structural decoration of the building in just a few seconds! This card can hold a total of three building models. It is a rare and rare treasure!"

"Starting price: 2000 Lingjing!"

As soon as the voice fell, the sound of one after another bidding in the hall rang.

"2500 Spirit Crystals!"

"3000 Spirit Crystals!"

"3800 Lingjing, who dares to fight with me! I will definitely get this card!"

After listening to the introduction of the auctioneer, Wang Mang's eyes flashed! Good stuff! This card can really be called a treasure! This thing itself is also inevitable!

As the high bidding price of 3800 Lingjing shouted, the surrounding warriors also extinguished their thoughts on bidding cards. This card is not a necessity! I can only make myself more comfortable in the wild, the price is too high!

Wang Mang looked at the young warrior who had just shouted the bidding price in the hall, and his eyes were arrogant. He also gently pressed the red button on the table of the Eight Immortals, and whispered into the microphone: "Five thousand spirit crystals, I want something! "

In the hall, a magnetic voice was heard clearly from the private room on the third floor to everyone in the hall. Some looked at the private room on the third floor with amazement, while others showed envy in their eyes.

As for the young warrior who was still arrogant and unusual just now, with the sound of this voice, it was like a duck with his neck strangled, and he couldn't say a word in his throat!

"It's the distinguished guest of the Tianzhao Yajian! Five thousand spirit crystals! Is there more than this!"

When the auctioneer heard the sound from the third floor, his red face turned red with excitement. It was hot and funny like a monkey butt.

"Damn! The big money from Tianzihao Yajian! In a word, I added 1200 Lingjing! I won't earn so much in my life!"

"Ah!!! The voice of the handsome guy in the Tianzhao Yajian is so good, I want to give you a baby!" A female warrior with eyes full of peach blossoms looked up at the Yajian on the third floor and shouted with excitement.

Wang Mang looked at the lively scene in the hall and smiled slightly. Is this excitement and surprise? When bidding for the giant treasure later, don't all these female warriors have to scream excitedly?

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