Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 397: Cast iron knife

"Okay! Five thousand spirit crystals for the first time! Have you continued to bid!?" The excited auctioneer knocked the gavel in his hand heavily on the auction stage, and his eyes frantically looked at the many auctions in the hall. By,

In the hall, a wealthy businessman sitting in the first row full of extravagance and a little fat figure, seeing the hot atmosphere around him, glanced slightly dissatisfied at the Tianzi No. 3rd floor room, if it weren’t for the mysterious giant treasure. It is bound to be obtained, and this card must be included in the bag!

There was no end to the noisy discussion in the hall, but when the auctioneer asked if anyone would continue to increase the price, several worthy warriors shook their hands subconsciously.

"The second time for Five Thousand Spirit Crystals! Has anyone continued to increase prices!"

The excited auctioneer, seeing the question twice, no one continued to increase the price, the excitement on the face also faded a bit.

After a few seconds, I glanced around, and saw that no one really wanted to bid, he directly shouted: "The third time for the Five Thousand Spirit Crystals! The deal! Congratulations to the distinguished guest of Tianzhao Yajian for winning the Qiankun House card!"

As soon as the words fell, there was a short burst of applause in the hall, during which the beautiful and pretty female warriors sent kisses to the elegant room where Wang Mang was located;

Seeing the warm atmosphere in this hall, the kind-looking auctioneer announced the next few auctions while the iron was hot!

"Bauhinia jade cup! Three thousand spirit crystals are sold!"

"The Black Panther's Destroying Bull Skill! Four Thousand Two Bailing Crystals are sold!"

Wang Mang saw that the next few auction items were not of much use to him, so he leaned on the comfortable tiger leather sofa in the Tianzhao Yajian, lit a cigarette comfortably, and faced Wang Hu next to him. He said: "Ahu, what do you want, just shoot, as long as it's not expensive, let's take it!"

Wang Hu sitting on a wooden chair, holding a tea cup in one hand, concentrating on watching the grand auction downstairs through the glass of the private room, when he saw Wang Mang talking, he rubbed his hands and replied with a shy smile. : "Brother Mang, I really like something, but the price seems a bit high,"

"Oh? What? Show me something," Wang Mang asked when he saw Wang Hu's favorite auction item, smoking a cigarette.

"Look, Brother Mang, it's the cast iron pass knife that is currently being auctioned!" Wang Hu pointed to a dark, bright and heavy pass knife standing on the auction stage, and his eyes also revealed appreciation and joy.

Wang Mang looked in the direction of Wang Hu's finger, and found that the reserve price of the Knife that was being auctioned on the stage was really not low, at least three thousand spirit crystals were needed!

"Is there no friend who is interested in this Guan Knife? This Guan Knife was made by the famous weapon master Lin Que, who spent half a year, adding countless hard materials and hitting it with one hammer and one hammer! The auction reserve price is only required. With three thousand spirit crystals, isn't anyone willing to make a move?"

The auctioneer on the stage stroked the cast iron knife, which seemed to be made of very heavy materials, and watched the many auctioneers in the hall appear uninterested, with a hint of anxiety on his face!

"Damn, idiots would bid for this weapon! Who doesn't know that this is a defective product created by Elder Lin Que! The user can't get through the slightest martial arts, even if the materials are cherished, it is extremely hard, but It will always be just a mortal soldier! Can't become a military soldier!"

A warrior with a frizzy temperament sat in the hall and watched the auctioneer on the stage guilty of promoting the knife. He also slapped the sofa with an irritable face, and spoke out the thoughts of most of the people present!

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