Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 398: Tai Jiao Men

At this time, there was another voice in the private room on the third floor, Tianzihao: "The price of three thousand spirit crystals is still cheap, I will buy a kitchen knife."

"Wow!" When several young warriors heard these words, they were in an uproar. The original recognition of the distinguished guests of Tianzi Yajian was only rich! Very rich! In their impressions, these remarks now add a deep impression to their hearts: Damn, this is rich and inhuman!

Even the warriors of the fifth and sixth levels in the room on the second floor were shocked and frowned at what Wang Mang had just said.

"Fan, we are coming to the auction this time. I am afraid it will not be easy to auction the last giant treasure!" A middle-aged warrior wearing a beige gown with two moustaches pointed worriedly on his face. Pointing upstairs, said to an old man with white hair and beard at the table;

The old man shook his hand like a dead branch, stroked his chin and his long white beard, with a ruddy face and confidently said: "The old man has allocated a total of fifty thousand spirit crystals from the door this time! It is for this huge treasure! "

"Before this time, the sect master specifically explained to me that once this huge treasure is handed over, our entire Taijiao Sect can climb a step, and it is possible to reach the height of the first sect in the North!"

"The people in the name Yajian that day have spent 13,000 Lingjing up to now. There is absolutely no remaining money to compete with us for the giant treasure!"

"They had better not be ignorant of what is good or bad, otherwise we wouldn't dare to do things that kill people and overtake goods!" The eyes of the old man with white hair and beard contained two vicious and vicious murderous auras, and the vigor of the martial artist of the sixth stage suddenly radiated ,

As soon as the old man said this, the temperature in the room seemed to be lowered a bit by this powerful and insidious aura. The warrior with a two-handed moustache also nodded in agreement, "That's right, Fan, let's Too Jiaomen is not muddled, even if you can't take the giant treasure, you have to grab it!"

When the amiable auctioneer on the auction stage downstairs heard what Wang Mang said, he also agreed with an awkward smile.

This is the first time I have heard of this as a kitchen knife with a Guan Knife, but it is good if this Guan Knife is not smashed in your hand. Who cares what purpose you do!

"Three thousand spirit crystals for the first time!"

"The second time for Three Thousand Spirit Crystals!"

"The third time for the Three Thousand Spirit Crystals! Good! The cast iron knife is sold!"

When the gavel fell and the auctioneer called out the deal, Wang Hu, who could still control his excitement, suddenly gave out a smirk, "Hey~ Hey~ Brother Mang!~ Hey~ Hey~ Hey"

Wang Mang looked at Wang Hu, who was sitting on a chair and smiling like a mentally retarded Wang Hu holding a teacup. He also patted his face with a little worry, and asked, "Ahu, you... are you crazy? !"

Wang Hu smirked and put his hands together, "Brother Mang~ Heh~ I am so happy! ~ Heck~ Brother Mang, the joke you just said is so funny! Hahahaha~! Chopper! Haha!"

Seeing that Wang Hu’s laughter returned to normal, Wang Mang patted his shoulder speechlessly and said, “Ahu, I’m not right. I should have taken you to see the doctor. Look at you, now I’m sick. It's getting more and more serious!" Wang Mang's face was full of distress, looking at Wang Hu's eyes full of sympathy.

Wang Hu's laughter stopped abruptly when he heard the words, looked at Wang Mang, frowned and thought carefully, and asked Wang Mang, "Brother Mang, what is wrong with me?"

Wang Mang: "..."

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