Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 402: Please take out the giant treasure!

I looted the universe bags of more than 30 warriors in the black alley, only to be worthy of harvesting 68,000 spiritual crystals! On average, each person contributed two thousand spiritual crystals!

Now that 13,000 Lingjing has been spent, there are 55,000 Lingjing left! If you photograph this dragon's blood, you will be in danger if you want to bid for that mysterious giant treasure!

Wang Mang threw the extinguished cigarette **** on the ground and crushed it with his shoes. Ten birds in the forest are not as good as one in his hand! Fight this time!

"I have twenty-seven thousand spiritual crystals! Who can be higher than me?!!!" Wang Mang's voice was clearly transmitted into the hall through the microphone, and the middle-aged businessman heard the words, his face suddenly green, "Huh!" snorted coldly. , The eyes of the private room on the third floor showed a dark and vicious color,

When everyone in the hall heard the price quoted by Wang Mang, the sporadic noise suddenly disappeared and turned into deathly silence, but just for a moment, a burst of violent cheers burst out like waves!

"The first time for twenty-seven thousand spirit crystals! This price has broken the highest auction price in the past three years. Are there any friends who continue to bid?"

The auctioneer holding a small hammer looked around the hall and saw that no one was moving. He looked at the location of Yajian. After a little bit, no one continued to increase the price.

"Twenty-seven thousand Lingjing for the second time!"

"Twenty-seven thousand spirit crystals for the third time! Congratulations to the guests in the Tianzi No. 3rd floor room for obtaining this rare and precious dragon blood!" After the auctioneer struck the small hammer three times, he was the first to bulge his hands. The look in the eyes of Tian Zihao Yajian is full of admiration,

"Huh..." At the moment when the dragon blood was sold, Wang Mang let out a long breath, leaning on the tiger leather sofa, the expression on his face was much more relaxed.

"Brother Mang, come and eat some fruit, this fruit tastes pretty good," Wang Hu saw that Brother Mang had successfully photographed the dragon blood, and smiled and grabbed a handful of lychee-like fruit and stuffed it into Wang Mang's hands.

"Oh~ Ahu, I found that no matter it’s the time and space, it’s still impossible to have money. Look at this time, if we didn’t rob those warriors in the black alley, I’m afraid we can only watch this dragon blood. It’s good to see," Wang Mang threw the fruit into his mouth one by one, spit out the skin, and muttered with feeling.

Wang Hu nodded approvingly, and agreed: "Yes, Brother Mang, do you remember when we were in the civilized era? At that time, I unloaded eight carts of bricks a day, and had to hurry up to eat and go to the toilet, so tired. I only earn one or two hundred yuan a day for his work!"

Wang Mang ate the fruit and smiled. If the end of the world does not come, Ahu is still moving bricks and mixing cement at the construction site. "Ahu, there will be no gold dragon coins and spirit crystals on his body in the future, so let's go to our roots. Okay! But the rules have to be kept, don't rob you of your wealth!"

"Everyone, this heavy treasure session is over. Another ten auctions will bring you to the most anticipated giant! Please bid more to make our auction process faster so that everyone can see the giant earlier. treasure!"

The auctioneer kindly beckoned to the ten beautiful women holding trays, and a few words re-mobilized everyone's enthusiasm for auction!

"Tie Lei Walnut! Two thousand two hundred Lingjing sold!"

"Martial arts mentality: crazy snake dance, three thousand nine hundred Lingjing sold!"

"The five scales of the sable beast, three thousand and four hundred spirit crystals are sold!"

"Devil Tiger Demon Knife, Five Thousand Five Hundred Spirit Crystals are sold!"


"Ten lots have been sold one after another, and the next moment everyone is looking forward to the most! Let us invite the giant treasure with warm applause!"

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