Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 403: King Kong Transforming Dragon Technique

The kind-faced auctioneer on the auction stage was already in a state of madness. He put down the gavel in his hand and gave the warmest applause to a beautiful woman wearing a purple cheongsam and holding a vermilion tray.

The nearly 10,000 warriors in the hall, the wealthy merchants all stood up at the same time, looking forward to each other, their expressions were excited, and they couldn't help but slap their hands hard.

"Jubao! Jubao! Jubao!" Deafening screams, the shouts gathered together and turned into a neat roar that could overturn the roof.

The glamorous and graceful woman in the audience, holding a tray and twisting the waist of the water snake, walked onto the auction stage one step at a time!

"Everyone! Wanbao Pavilion was built 180 years ago! I dare not say that this giant treasure is unique, rare in the world, but its value and significance are definitely among the top three in auction history!"

The slightly chubby auctioneer, panting heavily, strode to the cheongsam woman, and shouted at the audience: "It is! The secret book of the Jinshenmen in the ancient martial arts period! King Kong Transforming Dragon Technique!"

"The King Kong Dragon Transformation Art?" The middle-aged businessman called the Sixth Brother sitting in the first row of the hall opened his eyes wide with squinting, his mouth murmured in disbelief.

"Vajra Dragon Transformation Technique?!" The old man with white hair and beard in the private room on the second floor, stroking his long beard, his eyes were full of shock, and he instantly stood up from his chair.

"King Kong Dragon Transformation Technique?" Wang Mang, who was leaning on the tiger skin sofa, felt the violent vibration of the scroll in the Panlong Ring, and sat upright, his eyes ups and downs when he looked at the auction table.

"That's right! It's the secret book of the Jinshen gate that created the first "Blood Body Breaking Thunder Tribulation". It is also the only complete high-level exercise handed down from the ancient martial arts era!"

In the hall, all warriors who know a little bit about history couldn't help but open their eyes wide, their bodies trembling with excitement.

"Bid price: Twenty thousand crystals!!!" The chubby, kind-looking auctioneer held back his shaking hands, and held up the simple and simple cheat sheet in the tray with both hands, and took this huge treasure. The true content of is fully presented in the eyes of everyone present,

"Thirty thousand spiritual crystals from the four-link business!" As soon as the words fell, the wealthy merchants in the front row of the hall could no longer restrain their inner excitement, and tremblingly shouted a sky-high price!

"Jubao Trading Company 35,000 Lingjing!" The eyes of another group of luxuriously dressed merchants were also full of coveting for the Diamond Transforming Dragon Art, and they raised their hands to bid without hesitation!

"Forty thousand spirit crystals come out of the Taijiao door!" The old man in the private room on the second floor was also excited and slapped the wooden table in the private room, shouting his own bid into the microphone.

"Forty-five thousand spirit crystals!"

"Forty-eight thousand spirit crystals!"

"I give out fifty thousand! Fifty thousand crystals!"

"Five thousand three thousand! Fifty thousand three thousand spirit crystals! This huge treasure is for our city guards!" Several sturdy, strong men in armor surrounded a fierce and domineering city guard general and stood up. , A few **** soldiers glared at the martial artists who were intent on bidding, and their tone revealed a trace of killing intent and threat!

"Fuck you shit, what's the city guard! My uncle is the city guard! This giant treasure, our Zhao family, has sixty thousand spirit crystals! If anyone dares to increase the price? Humph!!"

A young boy dressed in a dull dress stood up from the front row of the hall, and glanced at the many warriors behind him with intimidation.

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