Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 412: War dragon

The dragon's roar that resembled a thunder-blasting blast carried waves of heart-pounding dragon power to every corner of the giant city.

Ordinary people who have no internal strength can only hide in the dark room and shiver, even the windows are afraid to open, and they can only pray in their hearts that the warriors can defeat the menacing monsters and don't let the horrible monsters. Break into the city and bite your body!

Even the weaker warriors were shocked. They could only use their trembling hands to hold the weapons in their hands, and move their lips to watch the earth-shattering battle above the city gate.

Wang Mang was alone, standing on the roof of a wooden building with his hands on his back, his eyes looked at the city gate, and he sighed faintly, his ears echoed with the shocking dragon roar!

Wang Mang's eyes were a bit deep. He looked at the moment when the middle-aged man in the golden robe turned into a dragon that day, the strength of Tier 3 was like being trapped in a thick and sticky swamp, he only felt an unprecedented sense of powerlessness.

The golden dragon, with its head, a pair of knotted dragon horns, a pair of golden pupils exuding a strong murderous dragon eye, the whole body of golden dragon scales under the sun, like layers of dazzling gold , Only the dragon's tail seemed a little uncoordinated, not as golden and noble as the dragon scales, with a light blue color, and the tail scales also looked rough, looking like a dragon's tail!

"Oh, I guess it's pretty good, Gu Jiao, you have become a dragon by yourself, but you don't have a tail, haha!" Ge Tian, ​​holding a dark long sword, also saw Gu Jiao's green and rough tail, and laughed mercilessly. Pointed at him and laughed a lot,

"Bastard! If it wasn't for a drop of my dragon essence blood that was stolen by your warriors, how could my tail not transform in the thunder tribulation!?" Gu Jiao, who had turned into a golden dragon, saw his pain point and was ruthless by Ge Tian Ridiculed, two angry snorts spouted from his nose, tyrannical emotions appeared in his eyes, and the expressions in Ge Tian's eyes became more resentful and angry!

"You bunch of bugs are going to die today!" The huge golden dragon, shaking its body, once again uttered an angry word, and then it waved the dragon's tail and flew to Ge Tianyi like lightning. In front of everyone, facing their bodies, they opened their blood basins, intending to swallow them in one bite.

"Everyone, how about we come to slay the dragon today?" Seeing the danger coming, Ge Tian smiled and asked a few people beside him, but there was no fear or tension on his face;

"Roar!" A pair of golden dragon eyes flashed violent rage, and sharp fangs appeared in the open huge mouth, and he bit the group at Ge Tian.

"Zheng!" There was a sharp clash of gold and iron. Ge Tian was holding a black long sword, holding the handle of the sword in one hand, and protecting the body of the sword with the other. The martial artist's momentum all over his body was immediately released, and the dark long sword was even straight. Stuck on the dragon's teeth, this amazing bite was blocked by Ge Tian!

Thousands of warriors watching the battle in the city, when they saw Ge Tian's long sword blocking the bite of the golden dragon, they all threw their fists excitedly and shouted, "General Ge is really mighty!"

But before everyone was happy, the continued battle in the sky gave them a resounding slap on their faces. Seeing that the attack was blocked, the giant dragon with golden scales all over his body swung angrily with a huge body, as thick as a dragon's tail on a hill. It swept across Ge Tian's waist in an instant,

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