Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 413: I am the general of the giant city

"Kacha!" With the crisp sound of fractures, Ge Tian, ​​who originally had a slight contempt for this Gu Jiao, was smashed on the wall by this Ling Li's blow.

The city wall made of blue bricks was also blasted with shocking spider patterns by Ge Tian’s human-shaped cannonball, and Ge Tian, ​​who fell on the ground, lay on the ground and coughed abruptly, coughing out a mouthful of dark red. Blood came out,

"Hey, Ge Tian, ​​looking at your original arrogant posture, I thought you were also promoted to the eighth level. I didn't expect it to be half a step eighth level. I really don't know why you had the courage to mock?" The golden dragon's face showed a humane Disdainful of ridicule, the two dragons are flying in the wind, looking very proud.

The battle between this giant dragon and Ge Tian was only between electric light and flint. In just three moments, Ge Tian was vomiting blood to the end by a tail. The seven-level martial artists who were conscripted had hesitation in their eyes. The body also takes two steps back unconsciously,

The strongest Ge Tian was beaten by a single blow. He didn't know his life or death. These seven-level realmists are swarming up, can they damage this eight-fold golden dragon?

The six or seven warriors floating in the sky, seeing that golden dragon and a pair of dragon eyes swept over them, they also sneered twice as if they were pleased, and then turned and flew away in an instant.

On the ground, Ge Tian held his hands on the ground, his chest and abdomen kept undulating, and he coughed out a mouthful of blood. Seeing the other warriors in the sky retreating, he also laughed at himself, "How? Immediately, don't you understand? Once you can't hold it, will you bargain with the monster beast after the city breaks?"

After Ge Tian finished speaking, he laughed at himself and shook his head helplessly. He took out a purple pill from Qiankun's bag and stuffed it into his mouth. After being injured, his weak body was instantly stabilized, and a slight strangeness appeared on his face. color,

Then he was holding a dark long sword, pointing to the swinging golden dragon in the sky and shouted: "I am the general of the giant city! The wall is my bones! The people are my flesh! A hundred soldiers and soldiers are my own. Hot blood!"

Following Ge Tian's loud roar, the original unpretentious blue brick city wall exuded a faint fluorescence, and it quickly gathered on Ge Tian. Whether it was ordinary citizens or sword warriors in the giant city, one by one The body is spontaneously condensing a trace of scarlet blood energy, like a swallow returning home, heading towards Ge Tian majesticly.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!" Seeing this scene, the golden dragon roared angrily. The huge dragon claws slammed onto the blue brick wall, which was like tofu, which was instantly grabbed into gravel. , The hill-like dragon tail carrying the weight of Mount Tai slammed against the wall, making a muffled sound.

But no matter how the dragon was destroyed, even if the city wall was caught into gravel, those unknown fluorescence continued to converge towards Ge Tian.

"Damn! Damn! What kind of power is this?!" Some gaffes, huge five claws, just one shot, they smashed the tower on the wall, but there was a trace of fear in the dragon's eyes!

What are these strange energies that are visible and intangible, and why do they make me feel flustered and palpitations? As the energy continuously flows into Ge Tian's body, Ge Tian's half-step eight-fold martial artist's strength is also improving in an astonishing situation!

Half-step eightfold and break into eightfold with one breath, and then eightfold intermediate! In a few seconds, he was promoted to the eighth high-level, the eighth peak! Even Kunou!

"Nielong! Suffer to death!" Ge Tian stood proudly on the ground, his long sword pointed at Gu Jiao, and with one foot, he appeared at the edge of Gu Jiao's dragon head at a speed like a teleport.

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