Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 414: The death of Ge Tian

One sword! Just a sword! That is exactly the same as killing the monster group before! A dazzling sword light covered all the colors in the sky, leaving only that beautiful sword light!

"Om!" There was an extremely slight crisp sound. Gu Jiao's pair of majestic dragon eyes was full of disbelief. It was almost at the same time that this crisp sound rang first, the dragon body covered by the dragon scales sprayed out a golden glow in an instant. Of dragon blood,

The dragon scales, as tough as a divine weapon, were also cut in half, and even the huge dragon body was cut into a brutal wound with deep visible bones by the sword light, and the golden flesh under the dragon scales was even more severed by the sword. The high temperature brought by the light burned and evaporated, "Ge Tian!!! I don't share the sky with you!"

"Roar!" Gu Jiao, who had originally turned into a dragon body, shrank instantly after being slashed with this sword, and transformed into a human form, protecting a **** wound on his chest. He looked at Ge Tian angrily, and then turned away. For a golden streamer, fleeing towards the distance,

And Ge Tian, ​​who hung in the sky, also smiled and said to himself: "Don’t wear the sky? I don’t have this opportunity! The cost of the secret method is too great, even if the life is sacrificed, it can only last for a short time. In just a few moments, at such a high price, how can I let you leave safely?!"

In the end, Ge Tian, ​​who originally had a smile at the corner of his mouth, rapidly aged, with layers of wrinkles like old bark appearing out of thin air, and the hand holding the long sword became rickety and weak from the original wide and strong.

With some effort, Ge Tian lifted the long sword in his hand, pointed the tip of the sword straight in the direction of Gu Jiao's escape, and gently swung the black long sword.

Ge Tian seemed to be extremely strenuous in his movements that should have been effortless. He swung his long sword down an inch, and his hair turned white and fell off a few minutes faster.

After completing the sword-swinging action, Ge Tian in the sky has become a dead old man, with thin hands, an old face with dense wrinkles, and his skin is also loose and rough, showing his age. The eyebrows, hair, and the strongest teeth are all. Fell out,

"Heh! Death without regrets!" The sword that consumed his life was finally swung down, and the'old man' Ge Tian also smiled, his body soft, like a piece of worthless trash falling straight to the ground. , Only the black cloak draped over his shoulders covered his body with the wind;

With the last sword light that was swung out, the pitch-black long sword also turned into a faint fluorescence, disappearing between the sky and the earth, "Om!" The vibration of tearing the air, the half-moon-shaped ink-colored sword light, as if it had been given the last 'S mission, in the direction where Gu Jiao flew away, suddenly disappeared.

"Ge Tian is dead?" The Yao Family Patriarch of the seventh realm frowned and asked himself in confusion.

, Seeing Ge Tian who was growing old and his body lying on the ground like a piece of rags, the Patriarch of the Yao family had something unbelievable in his eyes.

"Ha, the danger is finally relieved. I said that Ge Tian was also stupid. It would be too unwise to sacrifice his life for the price of defending the city. We have cultivated to this level of strength, how precious life is!" The old man with the beard in the seventh stage, unfortunately shook his head.

"Ge Tian must be dead, what about his relic?" Someone around me whispered. The eyes of the five or six martial artists of the seventh stage were all flashing up, and they flew towards the rag-like corpse of Ge Tian. Swept away,

"Damn! Ge Tian is my good brother, and I must have kept a copy of the relic! No one is allowed to **** me!"

"Fuck you, whoever gets it, I'll hit him until I get it!"

When facing the life-long wealth of the warriors of the same strength, several warriors who were originally still respectful were all red-eyed, and they wished to bring their swords to a battle immediately.

At this time, 20 miles outside the city, Wang Mang stood quietly next to a big tree, watching the last dark sword light at the gate of the giant city and the flowing light figure of Gu Jiao fleeing towards him, then She shook her head regretfully. A hero died like this. Since you failed to slaughter this dragon, let me do it for you.

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