Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 419: Flaming Python

Several other warriors were also unwilling to show weakness. They also stimulated secret methods, sacrificed spirit weapons, accelerated the speed of flight, and flew toward Wang Mang in a hurry.

"Senior Gu Jiao, you can be optimistic!" Wang Mang took a solid stance with his legs, his straight waist was slightly bent, and his hanging hands slowly touched the ground. The whole movement became extremely twisted and ugly!

However, Gu Jiao on the side felt a very strong heart palpitations and panic from Wang Mang's extremely ugly actions. The feeling was like Ge Tian exhausted his life and slashed that Allure! It's just that the power is weaker by a half, and the difference in that energy is also extremely obvious.

"Quick! A few minutes faster, the black armored man can't escape, and our ambition to win the dragon body dare to get involved? Look at me slashing him!"

A somewhat impatient warrior was holding a long, narrow and curved lancet, and his flying speed was another mention, fiercely facing Wang Mang and preparing to slash it away.

At this moment, Wang Mang moved!

Wang Mang maintained a weird posture, his hands and palms were close to the ground, his whole body seemed to have been subjected to a huge pressure weighing more than ten thousand kilograms, and his curved back wanted to be straightened slowly, but it was extremely difficult. Wang Mang gritted his teeth and made a sound. Growl, the flesh and blood energy and insect pattern energy burst out at this moment!

"Om!" "Om!" "Om!" Three abrupt and piercing hums suddenly sounded, one sharper than one, and one more piercing. When all three sounds are finished, the five or six warriors in the sky are all With a cold back, I felt a strong murderous intent to lock myself in!

"Om!" As the last buzzing sound fell, the ground on the ground suddenly loosened, and after a short while, a large area of ​​land was instantly turned over by a huge body emerging from the ground, a whole body red with flames. The huge ferocious python emerged from the underground soil with a terrible head spitting out a snake's letter.

"Roar!" The fiery red python looked up at the sky, a pair of long and narrow snake pupils gazed at the warriors in the sky coldly, roaring and exposing the two hideous fangs in his mouth.

"That...that...is the formation of spirit worms?!!! All are the spirit worms of the triple realm?!" Gu Jiao was also taken aback by the movement made by Wang Mang, the boss with a pair of dragon eyes open. It's full of disbelief,

How could this be possible? There are at least one hundred thousand triple-level spirit worms. In what method did this weird person in front of him cultivate them, like an arm worm?

Wang Mang was also sitting on the ground paralyzed at this time. He took a breath and looked at the fiery red giant python composed of 133,000 blazing locusts. His eyes also showed satisfaction and joy. His move was indeed true. It is feasible, but the price is not small, it needs to overdraw part of the life!

"Run! Avoid this giant python, otherwise you will get hurt!" After all, the leader of the Yao Family Patriarch is very knowledgeable. He quickly saw the power of this ghost worm imitation, and he gave a loud shout to control the spear. Fly away in the opposite direction,

"Go!" Naturally, Wang Mang would not give them a chance to escape. He waved his big hand and said with a smile. The huge fiery giant python seemed to be in madness and roared to the sky.

The huge waist of a small house rushed out of the mud, and it spit out a few red lights at the several warriors in the sky, and the body rushed into the sky like a snake riding in the fog.

"Damn, the snake can fly!" The sword-wielding warrior who acted as the vanguard cursed in awe, just wanting to turn around and fly away.

But the red light spit out by the giant python was too fast, it was so fast that the speed of the warrior's flight was not comparable to that of the warrior. Just turning around, the back of the warrior with the sword was hit by a hot red light, sputtering fierce fuel. With fire,

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