Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 420: Regain the Golden Dragon

"Ah! Ah! What kind of fire is this! It's **** hot!" The warrior yelled, frowning and cursing. The speed of flight also slowed down a bit. At this moment, a fiery red ferocious giant The python flew with a huge body and swallowed the sword-wielding warrior in one bite.

Within a few breaths, the inside of the python's body emits a dazzling fire and a shocking explosion. The countless blazing locusts gathered together are like a block of airtight walls facing out from the body of the python. The sword warrior kept bombarding,

Even though the martial artist has superior strength and excellent methods, under this kind of all-round bombardment, he can only show four or five points of his ability, but he has to guard against weak points such as eyes and lower body, and his ability to counterattack is discounted. , I can barely be beaten passively, and occasionally can swing a few knives,

"Ahhhhh! Go to die! Go to die!" The swallowed sword-wielding warrior also realized that he was dead at this time, but the vital part of his body was carrying the bombardment like a flood of fire locusts, and went crazy. Cut a few violently one by one,

The full-strike power of the Seventh Realm Warrior is definitely not small, let alone a few consecutive stabs superimposed on a single point, just a short moment, the giant python's waist and abdomen are cut out.

The sword-wielding warrior was covered with a fierce inextinguishable burning fire all over his body, and escaped like crazy, even his hair and eyebrows were burnt, and his face was unstoppable with pain and panic!

I don’t want to experience that kind of death threat that is as huge as the sea. The sword-wielding warrior slapped his chest, igniting a light blue blood, holding the blood violently. It flew away like a stray dog ​​fleeing in a panic like lightning!

"Senior Gu Jiao, let's go quickly. My sacrifice has been great enough. I have avenged your hatred for you. Should you also fulfill your promise?"

Wang Mang looked at the fiery red giant python flying ferociously in the sky, with reluctance and regret in his eyes. In order to simulate this giant python, all his fire locusts were used. If he does not regret it, it is absolutely fake.

Gu Jiao was shaking the dragon's beard at this time, and laughed bravely, "Okay! Your methods are really powerful, but it is very difficult to kill those warriors, but the old man asks himself that he will die today, and promise you that you can still live. For a while, there is nothing to be dissatisfied with,"

"Okay, please, seniors enter the dragon pattern!" Wang Mang lifted the black insect armor and tore the sleeves on his arms, revealing the well-proportioned and strong arms and the vivid blood-colored dragon pattern!

Gu Jiao smiled and nodded, lifting his whole body strength and spit out a golden dragon ball exuding a strong dragon power. A golden light from the dragon head flashed out into the dragon ball, and flew into the dragon pattern on Wang Mang's left arm in an instant. ,

As the dragon ball left, the huge golden dragon body seemed to have lost its support, collapsed weakly to the ground, and made a loud noise.

"Boy, take my dragon body, don't take advantage of these beasts!" A strong and powerful voice came from Wang Mang's dragon pattern and reached Wang Mang's mind.

Wang Mang also smiled and said: "This is necessary!" With a big wave of his hand, the ring of the dragon gave out a red light covering the one hundred-meter-sized dragon's body. With Gu Jiao's control over the body, the dragon's body was slowed down. Slowly shrunk to a few meters in size, and put it into the Panlong ring,

"No, the **** on the ground wants to run with the dragon body!" While avoiding the red light emitted by the giant python, the Patriarch of the Yao family watched the scene on the ground. Seeing Wang Mang put away the dragon body, he also shouted in anger. Screamed!

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