Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 421: Open scroll

The body of the golden dragon is a must-have for the Patriarch of the Yao family. You must know that to get the dragon ball that condenses the essence and blood is to step half of the foot into the threshold of the eighth realm. How could such a heavy treasure be watched by a little thief. Steal under the eyelids!

Several other warriors who were constantly shifting in the sky to avoid the attack of the python, saw Wang Mang put away the dragon's body at this time, all eyes were red, and the angry eyes could burst into fire.

The various parts of the dragon's body had been negotiated and divided before, and now an outsider appeared to take away the handy golden dragon's body, how did they agree? !

"Little thief! Stop! Eat me with a black tiger sword aura!" Seeing Wang Mang put away his dragon body, a dark-faced Seventh Realm warrior, while avoiding the attack of red light, released an astonishing sword aura. !

That sword aura tore the air, like a galloping black moon hitting Wang Mang on the ground violently,

"Boy, hide! With your strength, you can't handle this round of sword aura!" Gu Jiao in the dragon pattern, seeing this shocking blow, also eagerly shouted at Wang Mang. ,

"Of course I understand this. I'm not stupid. Naturally, I won't stand stupidly to fight them. I'm already ready to retreat!" Wang Mang calmly looked at the black moon attack from the sky. As soon as his mind moved, the fiery red python flying in the sky resisted the flying sword energy with his body!

"Hiss!" The fiery red python uttered a painful roar, a series of red light attacks on the dark-faced warrior, forcing the person to evade.

"Oh, it's a pity that my 130,000 blazing locusts will be buried in this different time and space this time!" Wang Mang shook his head with regret, watching the flaming body becoming smaller and smaller in the sky. Python also sighed unbearably.

"Ahu! Open the scroll!" Wang Mang saw that the situation in the sky became more and more unfavorable to him. Those warriors must soon be able to break through the python's attack and free up his hands to deal with him, his tone slowly facing the young man behind him. The woods roared,

"Understood, Brother Mang!" Not far away, Wang Hu, who was observing the battle, saw that Wang Mang was not in danger for the time being. He was suddenly relieved. Hearing Wang Mang's order, he suddenly pulled his dark and broad hand. The scroll emits a dazzling blue light!

"Senior Gu Jiao, soon we will be able to leap in the ocean!" Wang Mang pointed to the blue light curtain that condensed in an instant, and smiled relaxedly.

"No! That little thief has a helper! You hold this big python, I will kill the little thief!!" The Yao family master held a faint blue spear, shook a few spears, and swept away towards him. With a few red lights flying, when Wang Hu opened the scroll, his heart became even more anxious. He shouted at the companion beside him, and flew away at the location of Wang Mang.

The several warriors next to the Yao Family Patriarch also understood the critical situation at this time, one by one, from avoiding the red light to taking the initiative to attack, trying to contain the boa constrictor!

Wang Mang looked at the Yao Family Patriarch who was flying by, sneered, and said in his heart, if you can spare a few minutes to deal with me, I can't run away, as for now, hum!

A pair of black iron wings with evil blood-colored lines on Wang Mang's back suddenly unfolded, shaking violently two times, and his body was like a big Peng soaring upright, flying instantly, almost breaking the sound barrier!

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