Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 424: Gu Jiao's surprise

Gu Jiao, who appeared in front of everyone with a dragon-shaped soul body, did not have the power of the hundred-zhang golden dragon at all. The soul body was mixed with a trace of blood, but it looked a little evil.

"Brother Mang! This is a Tier 8 Golden Dragon? Why doesn't it look a bit imposing!" Qian Xiaobai frowned, looking at the suspended soul body Gu Jiao, his eyes were a little lost. Is this a Tier 8 dragon? Why doesn't it look like at all;

When Gu Jiao heard Qian Xiaobai's words, he tilted his head to look and suddenly exclaimed in shock, "This...what kind of beast is this?! How come it looks so much like a human?!"

"You...you..." Qian Xiaobai tremblingly pointed at Gu Jiao, blushing, but he couldn't refute it. This is the eternal pain in his heart! Are you a zombie and not a human, or is it the first time someone asked what kind of ‘beast’ you are? !

"Okay, Senior Gu Jiao, now that we are in a unified relationship, you live in my dragon pattern. If I die, you must die, Senior. If I am not dead, your body dragon ball is here. In the dragon pattern, there is no problem of death at all, so what kind of predecessor I said is correct, right?"

After listening to Wang Mang's narration, Gu Jiao showed some hesitation on his face. He hesitated a little and said: "Can you...can you release the contact and let the old man regain his freedom? If he can restore his freedom, the old man will be rewarded!

Wang Mang also shook his head solemnly, "How is this possible, Senior Gu Jiao, I have already told you before, only by letting you board the dragon pattern can you survive. This is not my villain’s idea. , But at that time, there was really only one method that was safe enough and safe enough,"

"As for restoring my free body, I'm sorry, Senior Gu Jiao, I can't do this at all. Your dragon ball is now equivalent to being integrated with the dragon pattern, and the dragon pattern is directly imprinted in my genes. How can I get rid of it? ?"

Gu Jiaojing's explanation by Wang Mang was also sudden, and he sighed quietly to the sky. It is true that the decision made in order to survive cannot be reluctant, but from now on, his life will be tied to the young man in front of him. Together, I had to accept it, and I was really full of emotions;

"Well, young man, I'm confessing my fate too! But you can get some precious life, how long the old man can live, but it's all on you, don't be a short-lived ghost!"

When Wang Mang heard these words of Gu Jiao, he also expressed his joy. He smiled and said, "Senior Gu Jiao, you can relax, my life is very hard. Short-lived is impossible!"

"And there is good news to tell seniors. You have not completely lost your freedom. The message sent to me through the dragon pattern, Gu Jiao, your participation makes my dragon pattern essentially different. Collecting the blood of all the beasts can condense into a monster dragon, now hehe!" Wang Mang raised his brows at Gu Jiao, with a smirk on his face.

"Huh!" Gu Jiao snorted coldly, and he immediately understood what was in this kid's heart. How could Jiaolong compare with himself who had experienced the thunder and tribulation? ! I also have a good understanding of the dragon pattern I am currently living in. As long as I re-assemble the dragon body, I can come and go freely, and come and go.

It’s just that there seems to be a distance limit to this kid, you can’t get too far away. If you leave this alone, your safety will at least be greatly improved. If the dragon’s body is crushed, you won’t die. The dragon ball of his own body is integrated, and he is seriously injured at most. This is the biggest benefit.

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