Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 425: Symbiosis

"Boy, quickly hand over my golden dragon body. I want to temper my blood and recondense the dragon body!" Gu Jiao thought about it, but decided to condense the body first, always keeping the soul state. The load is too big!

"Don't always be the kid, the kid is yelling, we are in a symbiotic relationship! We have to learn to respect each other! You can call my name Wang Mang, of course, you can also call my master," Wang Mang hugged his arms, smiling at Gu Jiao who was floating in the air. , A familiar smirk appeared at the corner of his mouth,

"Little thief dare to be so shameless!" Gu Jiao was gritted by Wang Mang's words, but there was no other way. This kid was indeed right. He and he were indeed in a symbiotic relationship!

Wang Mang watched Gu Jiao gritted his teeth and cursed but was helpless, he was amused, and smiled and released the body of the golden dragon in the ring of the dragon!

The monstrous dragon power, the dazzling dragon scales, the cold horns, all of these all show the extraordinary difference of this golden dragon body in front of us, even if it is just a corpse, but the power is still chilling!

"Brother Mang, I felt a chill in my back when I was far away, and I was frightened. Now that I'm so close, I feel my heart is about to jump out!" It was Wang Hu, who was so courageous, facing this dragon. The awe-inspiring golden dragon's body also showed fear in his eyes,

Qian Xiaobai made a weird cry and fell to the ground with fright. His eyes were full of horror. The towering golden dragon in front of him was really terrifying. The eyes of the dragon were slightly closed, as if he could open his eyes at any time. !

"Boss, Boss, this golden dragon is really terrible, look... look at his eyes, do they seem to suddenly come alive and choose someone to eat?!" Qian Xiaobai suddenly got up and jumped out backwards. A long way away, hiding behind a table with a timid probe, his tone was still a little scared,

Wang Mang glanced at him disdainfully, "This is what a corpse is afraid of?! What if it will survive? Choose someone and eat it? What are you afraid of, you are not a human being,"

Qian Xiaobai was violently beaten by Wang Mang, and he also slowed down and said angrily: "It's heartbreaking! Boss!"

Wang Mang spread his hands indifferently, and said to Gu Jiao: "Senior Gu Jiao, hurry up and gather the dragon body. Your golden dragon body is placed grandiosely on the top of this building. It's not safe!"

Gu Jiao didn't choke on Wang Mang this time. He just looked at his golden dragon body and nodded, his eyes were tight, and the strange and obscure tones in his mouth were chanting along with those strange sounds. , The dragon pattern on Wang Mang's left arm is like a hot soldering iron, exuding intense heat!

Wang Mang suddenly understood that this was a normal performance after the dragon pattern and the dragon ball were integrated. Gu Jiao had to call out the power of the dragon ball if he wanted to reconsolidate the dragon's body!

A trace of glittering golden energy was summoned by Gu Jiao’s fascination from the dragon's pattern and gathered into the body of the golden dragon. The trace of energy was like a fishing hook holding the essence of the dragon’s body. The qi is driven out one by one,

Wang Mang looked at the golden energy that was originally the size of a hair, and after wandering through the dragon's body twice, it became the size of a twine rope, covered with abundant blood energy! Wang Mang was so greedy just looking at him,

"Senior Gu Jiao, can you give me a few strands," Wang Mang said with a shy smile, to the Gu Jiao who was floating in the air and chanting.

"Huh! Don't even think about it! This recondensing the dragon body is no simpler than crossing the thundering robbery. A trace of blood is lost and all previous efforts are lost!"

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