Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 440: Clay Sculpture King Kong

"Sentimental feeling?" Wang Mang's eyes looked at the secret book, and he couldn't help murmuring a few words, "Is it to use mental power to perceive?" Wang Mang habitually rubbed the stubble on his chin, and frowned slightly. So, do ancient books need this special method to learn?

Wang Mang stroked the writing of the King Kong Hualong Formula with one hand, closed his eyes, and the mental power in his brain poured directly into the secret book along his arm.

One minute! Two minutes! When it was almost three minutes, Wang Mang was about to give up and withdrew his hand, but the simple and simple secret book in the thread suddenly gave out a faint cloud of light.

Wang Mang’s mental power immersed in the secret book seemed to be torn apart, and he entered a mysterious and weird space.

Wang Mang closed his eyes tightly, dripping drops of bean-sized sweat on his forehead. The fine hair tips were all wet with sweat. The whole person was as if he had been caught from the water, his face pale, and his expression wilted.

But with the continuous infusion of spiritual power, Wang Mang was finally able to see the weird space in that secret book with his spiritual power! A majestic and majestic Vajra clay sculpture is standing in the lonely space, full of anger! Hold the knife! Upon seeing Wang Mang, he shouted angrily: "Who are you waiting for?!"

"Under Wang Mang! Who dare you ask your Excellency?!" Wang Mang, who was projected by mental power, was immediately surrounded by a strong coercion, but he still stood upright, resisting discomfort, and asked loudly.

"I am the head of the King Kong Sect! In the ancient times, after passing through the immortal thunder tribulation, you have obtained the body of the King Kong. But you are the disciple who worshipped my King Kong Sect?!" I took it back,

"I’ve seen King Kong, I’m not considered a disciple of the King Kong Gate. The King Kong Gate has long since disappeared, and other sects are reduced to the dust of history. I am not a person in that world. I just got this by chance. It’s just the secret book of the King Kong Dragon Transformation Technique,"

Wang Mang looked squarely at the angry face of King Kong, and said with a serious face the truth about the secret book he had obtained. After all, the strength of the King Kong in front of him was too strong. After the immortal thunder tribulation, it would be an unknown realm after the tenth stage! Talking in front of him, what is the difference between this and death,

King Kong was not angry or surprised when he heard Wang Mang’s remarks. Instead, he laughed and said, "Yes, the last sect master of the King Kong Gate told me about these things. I am afraid it is hundreds of years since now. ,"

"I don't know this. I'm not from that world. I just got this secret book by chance. Please forgive me!" Wang Mang shook his head slowly. He knew very little about the history there in that different time and space, basically not. clear!

"Boy, I have never blamed you. The world's changes are not understandable by mortals like you. Since you are an extraterritorial demon, we naturally cannot pass on to you the mentality of our King Kong Gate, but since I am so separated. It’s been a long time since I saw a living person again. I’m very happy. Would you like to learn if you have a scrap book that I didn’t intend to get?"

Wang Mang naturally has no reason not to learn. Although he was a little speechless and uncomfortable, he couldn't twist his thighs with his arms. If he didn't learn, he would have nothing!

Wang Mang smiled and bent over slightly, lowered his posture, and said to King Kong, "Of course I am willing to learn!"

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