Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 441: Magic Body Forging

"Well, don't be upset. This fragmented book is my spoils of killing an extraterritorial celestial demon, and it is also a cheat book for body refining. Although only five levels can be cultivated, one level is stronger than one level, and all five levels are cultivated. After that, the body is comparable to my King Kong body. It is also that your kid is lucky. This cheat book has a few hard conditions for the cultivator. I think your kid happens to be quite in line with it."

The angry King Kong sounded like thunder, and after the clay sculpture's mouth was closed and spoken, he touched from the inside of his clothes, and a huge clay book thick as a city wall was thrown at Wang Mang at random.

"Hey, you will just look at it. There is mud all over the body, and there is no way to get you out of the paper book." King Kong looked at the huge mud book he threw out and looked at Wang Mang as the size of an ant. It doesn't matter. Waved his hand,

Wang Mang saw a mud book hurled towards him, and he also controlled his body to evade quickly. After the mud book fell on the ground with a loud noise, he took a closer look.

The thick loess writing was engraved with four vigorous seal characters: "Devil Body Forging Method" Wang Mang just looked at the engraved four characters, he already felt a monstrous mighty power!

Having settled down, Wang Mang just lifted the paper and turned to the first page!

The beginning of the chapter is a standard small seal, "Forging a demon body! Those who are not great perseverance can't get started!"

Wang Mang carefully studied this sentence and chewed it repeatedly. He felt the difficulty of the practice of this secret book. What is the world for those with great perseverance? It's rare in the world! Wang Mang asked himself, he didn't dare to call himself a person with great perseverance, at most his will was stronger than ordinary people.

But this is only the entry requirement for this cheat book, and the difficulty of this cheat book is probably not small! Wang Mang carefully read each page of cultivation methods and promotion conditions, and the frequency of lifting the pages of the book with his hands became slower and slower. When he turned to the last three pages, he spent almost five or six hours. Then he raised his hand and opened it,

In this way, Wang Mang read a mud book for two days! When the last page was closed, Wang Mang’s mental power projection was faintly close to nothingness, but Wang Mang still resisted, and respectfully bowed to the glaring King Kong clay sculpture: "Thank you King Kong for spreading the law!"

"Haha! You guy is really funny! It's okay! You just leave, and if you don't leave your mind, I'm afraid you will be seriously hurt!" The original angry King Kong saw Wang Mang's thanks, but he laughed like a thunderous two. Sheng, waved at Wang Mang,

Wang Mang nodded and gave another respectful respect before he withdrew his mental strength. "Puff!" A turbulent mouthful of blood spurted out of Wang Mang's mouth. The pale Wang Mang leaned weakly on the wooden chair and on his temples. His veins throbbed violently, and bursts of unprecedented nausea and dizziness filled Wang Mang’s brain.

"Oh!" Wang Mang retched a few times while leaning on the chair, and then he drank a large bottle of life essence. He recovered a little, but he still held his head in pain, but his brain was able to think about some problems normally. ,

Wang Mang covered his head with one hand, hitting the dining table with one finger knuckle, resisting the discomfort of his brain, recalling the mud book that he had just read in that lonely space.

After groaning for a long time, he murmured: "Devil body forging....It's really hard to get started!" The more Wang Mang recalled, the more he felt his heart palpitations. That method of forging the body was almost the same as forging. The weapons are similar, even more terrifying!

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