Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 442: faint

This demon body's method of judging the law is not too difficult, Wang Mang has already remembered all of them after reading it a few times, but with the cultivation method of the mind, it can be said to be more difficult than the sky!

First of all, you have to get started. You have to use fierce poison to continuously corrode your skin. Every part of your body, even your eyelids and lower body, have to go through this extremely cruel pass. Supported by his own willpower, at the same time, he must separate a part of his mind to meditate on his mind and cultivate his skin by the power of corrosion! !

When will you be able to calmly move your mind, relying on your skin to carry the corrosive poison for an hour, without seeing the slightest damage, this will be considered a good start! Only barely promoted to the first level!

Wang Mang's heart palpitations are also due to the reason. The test of this entry is fairly light. If the test fails, the skin will be corroded at most, leaving a little damage, but every practice method behind it is like self-mutilation in a different way! How cruel, how painful and how come!

Wang Mang was still thinking in a daze. If he didn't rely on this supporting cultivation method, he would die in the most painful way by doing so!

This magic body forging method is just a scrapbook. It only records the first five levels of cultivation, which are ‘refining skin, refining tendons, refining blood, refining bones, and refining viscera! The cultivation method is already extremely painful just by looking at it. I don't know how terrifying the cultivation method can be in several realms beyond this stubble text!

"Husband!! Are you okay?!" Liu Ying, with a pale face, a yellowish face and dark circles under her eyes, exclaimed when she saw Wang Mang sitting on a chair at the dining table, tears could not stop streaming.

After shouting these words, Liu Ying was like a kite with folded wings, her eyes closed and her body slumped to the ground suddenly.

"Ahu! Ahu!" Seeing Liu Ying's face was extremely ugly, Wang Mang even fainted and yelled a few words, his body also hurriedly stood up, but as soon as he walked away, he felt a momentary feeling. The sky revolved around, the eyes went black and fell to the ground,

"Brother Mang?! Brother Mang! Wake up!" A familiar voice shouted in Wang Mang's ears. Following this voice, Wang Mang's consciousness was gradually awakened. After a while, Wang Mang felt his eyelids. A burst of light is the eyes that try to open,

His eyes were sore for a while. After adjusting to the dazzling sunlight, he looked around. There was a big sunny room with two big beds. Wang Hu was sitting next to him eating berries.

"Ahu, where's your sister-in-law!?" Wang Mang sat up abruptly from the bed, grabbed Wang Hu's hand, and asked loudly with staring eyes.

"Brother Mang, don't worry, my sister-in-law is okay. My sister-in-law is cooking porridge for you in the kitchen." Seeing Wang Mang's nervousness, Wang Hu also pointed to the outside of the house and quickly explained.

"Oh, it's okay! How long have I slept here, why did your sister-in-law faint!" After Wang Mang woke up, the dizziness disappeared, but he was a little refreshed, and he soon remembered the dizziness. Scenes before the fall,

"Brother Mang! You don't know. You sat on a chair like a sculpture. You sat for seven days. No matter how we called you or pushed you, there was no response. And Brother Mang, your face was pale and your lips were chapped. , My sister-in-law took care of you all night," Wang Hu frowned, recalling the scene of Mang sitting at the dining table with lingering fear, and he was also terrified at that time.

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