Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 701: Injured

Wang Mang's face was pale, and he covered his left arm in extreme pain.

The elbows and bones bitten by the hyena leader were instantly crushed, and the flesh was separated and turned out, leaving only a few veins connected. It seemed that as long as a gentle pull, the arm would separate and break!

‘Boom! There was a loud sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, and the hyena leader with two blood oozing in his eyes, there seemed to be a trace of disbelief remaining in his pupils.

How could I die? The person in front of him, as long as he takes another bite, he can leave the cage! How could I die? !

Even if the hyena leader is not reconciled, life will not stop flowing because of it.

When the hyena leader fell to the ground, Wang Mang took his left arm out of his mouth carefully and quickly.

The upper jaw of the leader of the hyena was weirdly twisted. It was the upper jaw in its mouth that was hit by the punch just now, causing its brain to be shattered by an instantaneous blow, and there was no hope of survival!

Wang Mang looked at the fallen hyena corpse with an extremely pale face and grunted in pain.

Holding the wound tightly in the palm of his right hand, he barely joined the two broken arms and fixed them together, staggering his weak body, walking towards the destroyed and collapsed hut on the hillside,

The piles of thatch stained with blood in the ruins of the thatched hut looked very glamorous and bloody.

Wang Mang was panting, he didn't care about this, he was just trying to find something in the ruins. When he found two flat and strong wooden boards, Wang Mang's weak face finally showed a relieved expression.

Immediately afterwards, he lay on the ground, leaned his injured left arm on a flat ground, gritted his teeth, and knocked two wooden boards into strips.

Then put his left arm between the two wooden boards, found a few sturdy thatchs and twisted them together!

After Wang Mang had done all this, he was weak and limp in the **** and smelly thatch. His tired and collapsed body could hardly even move his fingers. Wang Mang opened his eyes and looked at the blue and bright sky. He smiled nervously. Can you go out alive? !

Without the essence of life, the almost broken left arm cannot heal quickly. The only way now is to cross the ten-kilometer trial site and reach another safe hillside in the distance. Stay there. The only place to recover from injuries!

But how easy is it to do all this? Even though the hyena group was wiped out, there was another group of unknown monsters that were not weak five kilometers away blocking the way. Can he really reach the hillside in his current state? !

Wang Mang slowly stood up from the **** and smelly thatch, and tried his best to summon the two black-armored mantises in the insect pattern with his only remaining willpower.

They were ordered to dissect the brains of the dead hyenas and take out the magic stones. Now they can only see if there are healing potions in the slabs!

As time passed slowly, the black-clad mantis with its wings flailing, carrying round and round magic stones the size of pearls in its mouthparts, was transported to Wang Mang's side.

Wang Mang leaned on a piece of earth and rock, beside the mysterious slate, the black armored praying mantis did not bring a magic stone, so Wang Mang threw it into the groove of the slab.

"No no!"

Wang Mang's eyes were fixed on the same objects that appeared on the stone slab. At this time, the introduction of alluring objects could not make a wave in Wang Mang's heart.

The only thing he hopes is healing medicine. Without this, he would not survive tomorrow!

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