Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 702: Amputee

When Wang Mang finally put in the 120th, a gloomy item on the softly glowing slate finally burst into a faint blue fluorescence.

Wang Mang looked at the blue fluorescent object and slowly exhaled a foul breath. God really took care of himself. He couldn't bear to watch him die in this ghost place!

When the fluorescence disappeared, Wang Mang saw the introduction of the potion and smiled at the corner of his mouth. The potion's effect was really suitable for him now!

‘Pharmaceuticals for severing limbs: perfect healing of broken limbs!

A special potion made from the gene of a severed limb self-healing monster. Once this potion is taken, you should not consume any fishy meat for three days, otherwise the severed limb will not heal perfectly!

Value: 120 magic stones! ’

Wang Mang watched this introduction carefully, without any hesitation, he directly clicked on the potion icon on the stone slab, a trace of soft white light outlined the original appearance of the potion, and it landed in the palm of Wang Mang's right hand.

Wang Mang held the potion in his hand and did not rush to take it. Instead, he turned over his jacket pocket, took out the physical potion he had exchanged before, opened the cork, and poured it in with his head up.

I hadn't been willing to take the stamina potion after fighting the hyena group for three hours, but in this situation, I finally had to take it!

Waiting for the medicine to flow down his throat into his belly, Wang Mang's tired and injured body also recovered a trace of strength and vitality. Then he pulled the cork of the medicine for severing limbs and poured the medicine into his mouth. The left forearm was originally cold like a corpse. It finally warms up now,

The broken wound at the elbow was healing rapidly along the several veins connected in series at this time. The valgus flesh and blood seemed to have life, like vines intertwined with each other, reconnecting to the wound!

After the original skin and flesh healed, the magical potion power began to work on the muscles and bones,

The shattered tendons and bones are also joined together at this time, but in three to five minutes it is no different from the original intact appearance!

Seeing this, Wang Mang waved his hand lightly, and found that his elbow was still a little stiff and insensitive.

Immediately, Wang Mang smiled. Even if it is a magic drug, it will take time for the injury to recover perfectly. It seems that he has paid more attention to protecting his left arm in the past three days!

After Wang Mang took the stamina potion, as expected, he had recovered at least 80% of his stamina and abilities in just a few seconds, and his mental state, which had been extremely fatigued, had also improved a lot at this moment!

Wang Mang turned his head and looked at the corpses of hyenas whose brains had been cut around. He counted roughly. Except the hyena leader, the other hyena corpses have been checked for magic stones!

Wang Mang snapped his fingers at the black-armored praying mantis that was flying in midair, flapping its wings to alert.

Suddenly, the black-armored praying mantis with the strength of Tier 4 immediately understood, the sound of wings screamed violently, and a black light flashed, and its sharp and dark forelimb sickle had already scratched the head of the hyena leader!

Suddenly, a stream of disgusting sticky substance flowed out along the knife edge, and the black-clad mantis searched for the magic stone along the wound without disgust.

About three to five seconds later, the black armored praying mantis made an excited ‘hiss’ sound, and it seemed that he had found the magic stone!

Wang Mang was a little weird when he saw the appearance of the black armored mantis. It shouldn't be. He searched for the magic stone in the brains of other hyena corpses, and the black armored praying mantis didn't react so much. Is it possible that this magic stone is different?

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