Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 714: Dare to die

"Captain! Captain! We are fellow villagers, and the old black parents ask you to take care of them!"

A soldier named Hei gritted his teeth at the two middle-aged soldiers, and immediately removed the heavy armor from his body, and even threw his helmet aside.

He rolled up his hair bun, shirtless, wide-eyed, and looked at Wang Mang madly!

"Black!" The captain in the same row shouted, looking at the black who took off the heavy armor, a trace of unbearableness appeared in his eyes.

He and Hei are hometowns, and always treat him as a younger brother. Now how can I bear to see him die so personally? !

"Captain! I dare to die too! My hometown elders ask my brother!"

The corps leader at the end of the line roared, his eyes were red at the moment, he neatly removed the heavy armor of fish scales from his body, his upper body was naked, and he was holding a handful of war battles in his hand!

The captain gritted his teeth. Before he could reply, one after another mad men unloaded their heavy armor rushed out of the team. Their eyes were bloodthirsty, panting, and their eyes were crazy. It didn't matter if they died! As long as you kill the person in front of you, your title can be passed on to your descendants!

"Dare to die! Dare to die!" Twenty or thirty bare-armed men, holding Zhang Ge in their hands, shouted loudly.

They walked from the battlefield to the front row. As a death squad, they would not hesitate to destroy the enemy with their lives!

Standing in the very center of the encircling circle, Wang Mang quickly looked around at the surrounding enemies, even his legs sank slightly and tightened.

Desperate struggle is not as simple as it is said, it is really putting life out of the way, and using your precious life to fight the enemy to death!

"What a group of desperadoes!" Wang Mang looked at the group of bare-armed soldiers and shook his head with emotion. The wishes of this group of soldiers were destined to fail, and Qin Chao had already died!

"Kill!" I don't know who yelled. The twenty or thirty desperadoes holding Zhan Ge, with red eyes, stabbed Wang Mang with their weapons.

"Zheng!" Wang Mang blocked a Zhan Ge's stab with a knife in his hand, but before he returned with the knife, another swift Zhan Ge pierced his throat!

"Crack~crack!" With a toothy rubbing sound, Wang Mang ignored the danger at this juncture of life and death, and directly held the sharp edge of Zhan Ge with his hands!

The hard worm armor was cut with a hole under that rushing force!

A trace of red blood oozes from Wang Mang's palm along Zhan Ge. The soldier who saw his death like home increased the strength in his hand. The wooden Ge body was slightly bent by this heavy force!

When Wang Mang's hands were both involved, the surrounding soldiers were not idle either. A dozen sharp wars pierced Wang Mang's body.

"Puff——!" The sound of the knife's cutting into the flesh! Wang Mang's body was suddenly pierced with more than a dozen blood holes, and even the hard insect armor seemed to have become fragile under the influence of this fighting spirit!

"Okay!" Wang Mang's mouth was flushed, and the **** Wang Mang let out a crazy laugh. Regardless of the battles blocked by the Yinxiao knife, there was a sharp light against the few people approaching behind him!

Three great heads soared into the sky, and three crazy desperadoes died! The shirtless soldiers around screamed frantically, and the blood-stained Zhan Ge wanted to make a hole in Wang Mang again!

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