Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 715: Tragic life and death battle

Wang Mang will not give this group of desperadoes another chance to stabbing. The two or three-meter-long thorny tail behind him is like a strange python that chooses to eat. It bites a headless corpse on the ground. Whirl and wave,

The broken corpse was torn into several segments in an instant under the stab war.

With this brief cover, Wang Mang stepped forward suddenly, his arched right arm slammed his fist, and hit a soldier's head!

‘Click! The sound of broken bones sounded instantly, and the soldier's head was like a smashed watermelon, spattered everywhere!

Before they could react, Wang Mang waved the silver sword in his left hand again, and the gleaming blade cut through the necks of the soldiers who had gathered around him!

All these actions took only a few moments, but in these few moments, the five desperadoes who looked crazy in their eyes were killed by Wang Mang!

The death squad with more than a dozen people left is like a group of violent mad dogs, each holding a warrior, and Wang Mang who is not afraid of life and death attacked again!

"Even if I can't live today, you all can die!"

Wang Mang roared with a hideous face, and there were more than a dozen blood holes all over his body, dyeing Wang Mang, who was covered in insect armor, like a terrifying demon from hell.

In a dazzling knife light, the five soldiers who were about to stab with Zhan Ge suddenly stiffened and were out of control! The battle in hand can no longer move forward!

When the dazzling light disappeared, the necks of the five soldiers showed a trace of blood without warning.

‘Bah! The blood line at the neck suddenly enlarged, and gradually it seemed to be springing up. The strong blood pressure slowly buffered the head and rolled down to the ground along the body!

Finally, when Wang Mang was almost seriously injured, the air-filled sly control ability finally exerted its effect for a moment, and this moment was enough!

The five headless corpses with their heads rolled down have stood stiffly holding Zhan Ge, and the movements of their bodies are still in the state of spurs!

Wang Mang didn't care about this, and suddenly pulled out the battle that was holding the corpse. Holding the six-foot-long battle, Wang Mang suddenly felt a sense of security.

Now that there is a weapon in hand, how can this group of soldiers not easily kill it?

Wang Mang put the Yinxiao knife back in his pocket, holding the sword in both hands, and swept across the sudden zhangge. Under the action of the long pole weapon, the physical power of more than ten tons all over his body finally exerted an unparalleled performance. power!

"Ka! Ka!" With the sound of a few wooden rods breaking, Wang Mang swept away the bodies of three or five people around him, and Zhan Ge all cracked and exploded!

"Haha! You all have to die!" Wang Mang laughed wildly, holding Zhan Ge in one hand, like a **** demon, looking extremely terrifying!

Seeing this, Li Fu roared mercilessly: "The front team is fighting, the squadron added, and the back team is shooting!"

There were also several shirtless desperadoes in the encirclement. After hearing this command, they also showed a sorrowful smile.

Immediately discarded Zhang Ge in his hand and rushed towards Wang Mang, as if he wanted to use his body to hold him!

Wang Mang stabbed a person to death, but he was firmly holding on to his body. Before Wang Mang could pull it out, a few bloodthirsty desperadoes locked their limbs tightly!

The rest of the soldiers in heavy armor with fish scales looked at the robes of Wang Mang's limbs tightly locked, and there was a brief moment of unbearable flashes in their eyes.

Then he drew out the black crossbow from the back, quickly wound it, looked at Wang Mang's body and pulled the trigger!

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