Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 722: Blood lotus

I just put the bandage on the wound, and before Wang Mang can fix it tightly, the black substance on the bandage emits a scorching temperature.

The wound that was originally vulgar valgus suddenly lost its pain! On the contrary, there was a feeling of healed numbness. Wang Mang's eyes widened, and he looked at the wound on his left arm in disbelief. There was a trace of approval in his heart for the wretched old man’s words.

This bandage really works well for the self nowadays!

According to this method, Wang Mang again bandaged the injured right arm, and the remaining back, chest and abdomen wounds were not serious, and there was no need to bandage him for the time being.

After Wang Mang had done all this, he walked into the hut again, pried the stone slab under the bed, and patted the hundreds of magic stones in his pocket. Wang Mang finally laughed at this moment!

These hundreds of magic stones are the biggest gain since the trial, plus the egg-sized magic stones, there are a total of three hundred and forty! You can definitely buy a few good things in the slate!

Wang Mang was quite excited and stuffed the magic stones into the grooves above the slate, the screen also lit up instantly, and the number of magic stones on it was increasing at an extremely rapid rate!

A little, the number of magic stones reached three hundred and fifty, and the remaining ten were not used up since the last time I purchased the silver sword!

When the number of magic stones no longer increased, those dark objects seemed to have been chiseled out with a gleam of light at the moment, blooming with the original crystal light!

Wang Mang looked at the dazzling items on the slate, just grinning, so many good things really made him dizzy, he didn't know what to buy!

Thinking, Wang Mang actually put the slate in his hand on the ground, picked up the dark Rubik's Cube on the wooden table again, looked at the enchanting blood lines around him, frowned and looked at it for four or five minutes, then stretched his brows and smiled. This Rubik's Cube is really not difficult!

Wang Mang held the Rubik's Cube made of black jade and twisted it a dozen times. At this moment, the thin lines of blood patterns were finally put together and turned into a fascinating blood lotus!

With the formation of the Rubik's Cube pattern, the dark Rubik's Cube the size of a fist suddenly burst out with a dazzling white light, and the **** lotus on it slowly faded and became white and flawless!

"This...this is?" Wang Mang looked at the dark but dazzling white light of the Rubik's Cube. He was in a daze for a while, and he had an amazing idea!

"Is this a blood streak?!"

Wang Mang's eyes widened, watching the dark Rubik's Cube gradually melt under the scorching of the white light. Only the fading blood of the lotus appeared holy. As the white light became more fierce, the blood was finally completely faded and dripped. On his wrist!

That smear of blood, which looked like sticky blood, soaked and flowed on the skin of Wang Mang's wrist, turning into a fascinating blood lotus again!

Just as the blood lotus was about to be drawn into shape, the blooming white light instantly became extremely dazzling, and the black jade-like Rubik's cube melted and disappeared in an instant, leaving only a holy white light group, before Wang Mang could react. He rushed into the blood lotus on that wrist!

After all these changes were over, Wang Mang looked at the messy underground, but he didn't understand, so he frowned and thought: What the **** is going on? What is the function of the blood lotus on the wrist?

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