Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 723: The last trial place

Wang Mang thought for a long time and didn't think of a reason. It is true that the holy white lotus made of white light and the blood lotus full of fascinating blood can fuse together! It's really unexpected!

But thinking that the white lotus was born out of the blood lotus, Wang Mang didn't feel so entangled. When he sat on the chair, he settled, and a trace of his mind was immersed in the blood lotus on his wrist!

Suddenly! A cruel and **** aura was instantly activated, and above Wang Mang's mind, he saw a sea of ​​corpses and blood in that bloodline! Broken and decaying body! Smelly sticky pool of blood! The terrifying scene was full of killing and depression!

Even though Wang Mang's will has long been as solid as a rock, he couldn't help but feel a little dazed and shocked at this moment! How many people have to die to form an endless sea of ​​blood!

In just two or three moments, the suppressive and terrifying scene disappeared, and the lotus blood pattern also changed from a deep scarlet color to half snow white and half red!

Wang Mang let out a faint sigh of relief, and a message from the blood pattern instantly reached his mind!

‘White blood lotus pattern: Created from the **** battlefield of millions of dead and wounded, the corpse mountain and blood sea form a pattern on its own! The half-blood pattern represents killing, and the half-white pattern represents vitality. One kill for a lifetime is the way of yin and yang! ’

As this message filled with the horror of life and death reached Wang Mang's mind, he also understood the true effect of this white blood lotus pattern!

Every time a life is killed, it can draw all the energy from its body to replenish itself! Anyone who touches the blood streak from the wound will die instantly, and there is absolutely no possibility of survival!

Wang Mang widened his eyes and hissed in amazement, "This white blood lotus pattern is really terrifying! Fortunately, it belongs to him now. If the enemy also has such an attack method, it is really a chance to turn into a nightmare!"

Wang Mang looked at the half-holy and half-blood lotus patterns on his wrist, and shook his head lightly. With such a terrifying attack method, it was time for it to show off after he stepped into the trial ground tomorrow!

Thinking about it, Wang Mang held up the slate again and looked at the dazzling array of items on it. He looked at it for a long time but then gently put it down. Now his scarce attack ability has been filled by the white blood lotus pattern, and there is nothing left to buy. !

These three hundred and fifty magic stones should wait until the fifth hillside before deciding what to buy. At that time, you have to enter the Hell of Infinite Hell, you can't do it without any preparation!

"Ha—" Wang Mang sat on the chair and yawned. He squinted his eyes and watched the sunset gradually sinking and disappearing. Taking advantage of the last glow, Wang Mang ate the dinner reserved on the table. , Immediately stretched his waist and walked into the dilapidated hut;


It was another cloudless and sunny day, Wang Mang sniffed the fresh air in the early morning, sat up from the bed vigorously, squinted his eyes slightly, and stretched his waist and arms!

Today I have to pass the last trial ground. After the fifth hillside, I don't know what this trial will be like?

Wang Mang brushed his teeth with half a bottle of mineral water, washed his face, looked at the empty wooden table, a little melancholy, he knew he would save some food for breakfast!

After a slight sigh, Wang Mang put the two six-foot warriors leaning on the outside of the hut on his back, with the heavy bronze broadsword tied around his waist!

After finishing all this, he also officially set off!

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